Hi Please , see the attached

  • let's talk you talk about this week so I'm gonna say this several times if you do not watch the videos and read the articles you were going to be totally confused on the assignment so don't try to skip out on it and go straight to the assignment it will not make sense so we're gonna talk about theater and social justice this week and we're going to mainly be looking at theater of the oppressed as well as forum theater so these are two different types of theater that are performed where the audience also participates but there's a goal in mind they're trying to solve some sort of problem so I've got an article in there that has a few videos in bedded and so this article right here and then two separate videos can start watching at the eight minute 30 second mark these are geared towards like high school students and they do a pretty good job of explaining it in pretty plain terms so he's going to talk about august over while and theater be impressed and other and then this Ted X video you actually get to see forum theater in action so what you're doing this week is you are creating a social justice theater proposal OK I just want to make sure I got everything on my checklist before I go into this proposal so as I said before this is trying to solve some type of problem or addressing an issue in a community it can be something really small like maybe there's some kind of arguments that keep breaking out at the dining hall at school or it can be something humongous you can do one on racism so that's like a gigantic topic or you can do it like I said or something really teeny tiny it's totally up to you but also up to you how you present this to me so however you feel most comfortable if you just want to make notes on a note card and talk at your laptop or phone for five minutes and then post a link or upload that perfectly fine if you wanna do an audio recording where you're talking through it that's great too you can do a Google slideshow PowerPoint presentation and if all of that just sounds terrible to you and you would really feel better just writing up a proposal like an outline on a piece of paper also fine but what do you want to make sure you're doing as you're addressing all of these topics questions areas what's the problem that you're wishing to address: Sarah a third grade teacher and there are some students that are always fighting over the swings so who are your performers again this might sound weird until you go back and watch those videos who are the performers going to be who is your audience briefly describe your script so you don't have to write your script but if you were going to say let's take the swingset scenario so let's say you have four actors there are two that are pretending to swing two that are waiting their turn and they get an argument over it that could be a decent explanation of your script and then you're gonna talk about your logistics you're going to imagine you're actually going to put this song where are you having this is it at the community center is it in theater is it in your fourth grade classroom because you're a teacher trying to solve this problem how many rehearsals will your performers need do you see yourself as the Director or a performer or both would you need a budget to put this on or is this something where people are donating their time and space or it's just done as a community activity all right so I highly recommend you read the stuff watch those videos and then come back and watch this one more time and my! Make some more sense so this is another one where you need to upload it two times once 

What you need to read/watch: 

I highly suggest you read/watch these in the order in which they appear 

Read this article on Theatre of the Opressed

Watch Video

Poor Unfortunate Theater: Crash Course Theater #48

Duration: 13:07
User: n/a - Added: 2/15/19

(start at 8:30)

Watch Video

Forum theatre performance | Shannon Ivey and STATE of Reality | TEDxColumbiaSC

Duration: 18:52


  1. Please post your proposal (or link to it) here AND on the discussion board so your classmates can view it! 

Project Requirements

What problem are you wishing to address?

Who are your performers?

Who is your audience?

Briefly describe your script.

What are the logistics of putting on this show?

  • Where would you have it?

  • How many rehearsals would you need?

  • Do you see yourself as a director/performer or both?

  • Would you need a budget or would everyone be donating their time/space? Is this a required community building activity?