i need help PLEASE

1. Joseph and Benjamin planned a hike along the park trail. They hiked one-fourth of the

trail before lunch. They hiked another two-fourths of the trail before dark. How much of

the trail did they hike that day?

[A] 2 [B] 3 [C] 1 [D] 1 [E] 1

4 4 2 4 3

2. Subtract these fractions: 6 - 2 (Remember to reduce fully.)

10 10

[A] 2 [B] 3 [C] 1 [D] 8 [E] 4

5 10 5 10 5

3. When the denominators of fractions are different, we must find the ____________

before adding or subtracting the fractions.

[A] prime factors

[B] multiples

[C] common denominator

[D] greatest common factor

[E] ratio

4. Add these fractions: 3 + 2__ (Remember to find the common denominator.)

12 6

[A] 5 [B] 7 [C] 5 [D] 7 [E] 3

12 12 6 18 12

5. Subtract these fractions: 7 - 4__ (Find the common denominator and reduce.)

8 16

[A] 3 [B] 3 [C] 4 [D] 5 [E] 1

16 4 16 8 16

6. Add these fractions: 1 + 4_ (Find a common denominator and add numerators.)

5 7

[A] 5 [B] 7 [C] 5 [D] 20 [E] 27

7 35 12 35 35

7. Find a common denominator and subtract these fractions: 2 - 1__

4 14

[A] 16 [B] 3 [C] 3 [D] 1 [E] 12

28 14 7 18 14 8. Karen bought 3/16 yards of blue fabric, and 1/28 yards of red fabric to make hair ribbons.

How many yards of fabric altogether did she buy?

[A] 25 [B] 25 [C] 4 [D] 17 [E] 3

112 28 16 112 28

9. Find the lowest common denominator (LCD) for the fractions 1 and 7_

12 30

[A] 30 [B] 360 [C] 48 [D] 120 [E] 60

10. Combine these fractions: 1 + 3_ - 8__

4 7 14

[A] 12 [B] 3 [C] 12 [D] 7 [E] 4

28 28 28 14 7

11. Danielle and Sonia helped their mom to plant flowers around the yard. Danielle planted

1/5 of the flowers; Sonia planted 2/6 of the flowers; and their mom planted 1/3 of the

flowers before it rained. How many of the flowers were left to plant? (2-step problem)

[A] 3 [B] 4 [C] 2 [D] 4 [E] 26

5 30 15 18 30

12. A fraction and a whole number written together is called a ____________?

[A] prime number

[B] ratio

[C] denominator

[D] mixed number

[E] numerator

13. Add the whole number and fraction: 15 + 4_


[A] 15 4 [B] 4 [C] 11 1 [D] 4 [E] 15

5 5 5 15

14. Subtract the whole number and fraction: 10 - 7_


[A] 10 7 [B] 3 [C] 11 30 [D] 87 [E] 9 1

8 8 8 8 8 15. Peter used 5 ½ gallons of green paint to paint the living room. He then used 4 3/8 gallons of

yellow paint to paint the kitchen. How many gallons of paint did he use in total?

[A] 8 1 [B] 7 [C] 10 3 [D] 9 7 [E] 1 3

8 8 8 8 8

16. The youth group picked 20 ¼ bushels of apples. They donated 18 1/5 bushels of apples to

the food pantry. How many bushels were left to divide among themselves?

[A] 38 9 [B] 1 [C] 2 9 [D] 2 1 [E] 12 1

20 20 20 20 20

For problems 17 and 18, change to improper fractions, then subtract. Write your answer as an

improper fraction.

17. Subtract the mixed numbers 10 2 - 7 6__

5 10

[A] 2 [B] 28 [C] 3 8 [D] 4 [E] 3 4

10 10 10 5 10

18. Subtract the mixed numbers 4 1 - 2 2

5 3

[A] 2 [B] 3 [C] 23 [D] 8 [E] 23

15 15 15 5 5

19. Convert the improper fraction 64 into a mixed number.


[A] 7 1 [B] 9 7 [C] 6 8 [D] 8 1 [E] 7 1

9 9 9 7 16

20. Add the mixed numbers 3 6 + 4 5 (Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers.)

8 8

[A] 8 7 [B] 8 3 [C] 7 3 [D] 8 1 [E] 7 1

8 8 8 8 8