See the attached file

  1. What is the difference between data and information?

  1. What is a “mini-world?” How do you know what is in it?

  1. What is the difference between a database and a database system? List all of the components of the database system.

  1. Describe the functions of a Database Management System (DBMS). What are the tradeoffs to determine if you will use a DBMS?

  1. What is stored in the meta-data? How is it used by the DBMS?

  1. What are the different architectures of schemas? What are they used for?

  1. Describe the types of DBMS languages. Who would use each one?

  1. What is the purpose of a data dictionary? What is included in it? Why do companies typically not create a data dictionary?

  1. Describe the three-schema architecture. What is the difference between a database schema and a database state?

  1. What is data independence? Describe the types of data independence.

  1. Compare and contrast the use of centralized and decentralized databases. Include an example of where each would be used and why it would be best for that implementation.

  1. Describe the differeces between client-server two- and three-tiered architecture. Which is more practical to implement? Why?

  1. Describe what a non-functional requirement is. Where would it be defined in this diagram?

See the attached file 1

  1. Describe the types of ERDs (not ER and EER diagrams). What type of model is an ERD? When is each type of ERD created and how is it used?

  1. What is a unary or recursive relationship? Give an example.

  1. How is generalization/specialization identified in an ERD? Even though generalization/specialization exists it is not always identified as such – why? Give an example.

  1. Describe the four types of generalization/specialization. Give an example of each of the types.

  1. What is a union type of relationship? Give an example.

  2. Match them up ... only consider cross-column matches may be none or more than one match to an item

Field element Table

Relation Tuple

Row Data field

Column Attribute

Database Domain

Entity Record

Schema Set of Tables

All valid values NULL

  1. Why is multiple inheritance rarely seen/used?

  1. What is redundant tables/data? What is its impact?

  1. Describe the two definitions of domain? How is each used?

  1. Describe the following keys: primary, secondary, composite, foreign, candidate. What criteria are used in selecting a primary key?

  1. What is referential integrity and how does a DBMS enforce it?

  1. What is meant by a "unit of work"?

  2. "Bits and Bites" a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bytes Computer Company which provides a place where customers can eat and view the catalog of Bytes computer items in a relaxed setting. Show both E-R diagrams for the following:

The chain currently consists of 15 locations in 5 districts. Each district has a unique code (e.g. "A") and each location is identified by a unique location number (e.g. "A-01").

The company employs approximately 230 people. About half of these employees are part-time. Each one is identified by an employee number which is assigned by the location at which they were originally hired (e.g. "A-01-01"). Full-time employees may transfer from one location to another - though we only care about the current location.

One employee at each location is the location manager, and 4 other employees are district managers - the other district is being handled by an overworked location manager until we hire a new district manager.

At the end of each day, each location reports the number and type of products sold. Each product has a standard product code along with its normal description.

The system keeps track of each employee --- name and location where they are working or managing --- plus it keeps track of district managers. We also need to know whether they are full or part-time employees. Only current data needed.

A history of products sold by location by day and month for the past 2 years is needed to forecast future demand. To update the sign in front of each location, summaries of this information by location and product are needed.

A list of the locations in each district is necessary. As a note, we realign our districts about every 2 years. Historical product summaries by district are NOT needed.