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********************* ****************** DateDiscussion1 **** ** a ********** of ***** ***** *********** ** the ******** ** ***** ** ***** **** into ******* *********** ** ********* ****** **** that ***** ** ************ * ********** ****** ** categories ** *** **** ***** about ***** **** is ****** ** ** ********* collection ** ********** information or data commonly referred ** ** a ******** The database ********** ****** will identify * ******** ****** *** ******** *** ******** ** ****** * database ****** ** a **** ********** ** ************ data * ******** ****** ** a software that ** used ** ******** store and retrieve **** **** *** database *** ******** ****** components include;-Storage engine-Query ************** ********************** *************** *********** manager-Reporting *** ********** ********** ********** ******** ********** ****** helps ** **** dictionary management ************* *** definitions ** **** ******** *** revealed **** **** *** as helps ** the ********** ** data ******* ** creating ******* structure **** can get *********** b **** to store data **** ********** ******** of **** ** ************ ****** ****** ****** **** ******** *** *** backup ********* the **** guarantees ********* *** safety ** **** ** ********** ** providing ****** ********** ***** ****** ****** A ******** ******* **** ****** ************** ** ********* ** *** **** ************ **** ************ ****** ********** *** DBMS ******* ******** ***** *** ****** *** **** **** ******* *** **** ***** interfered with *** **** integrity ********** is ******** as ***** *** ******* ***** **** prevent **** ********** and ****** **** maximization *** ********** when ****** **** include data *********** **** ******** ***** access ***** ************** and outsourcing ******** ********** **** ***** In the ********* * ******* ** *** ****** how **** * document is **** **** document *** created among ***** *********** *** ****** ** ** **** in the DBMS **** * **** ***** ** retrieve ** 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*** internal schema ***** *** identifies the physical storage ********* ** *** ******** The ******** ****** contains *********** that show *** user the specific ***** ** *** ******** **** *** ********** in *** conceptual ****** describes the ****** database ********* *** ********* ************* *** ***** ** data ****** *** ******** ****** represents *** logical **** ** * database ***** *** database ***** ***** *** ******* of *** database10 **** ************ ** *** ******* **** ********** the ********** ** ********* *** ****** **** **** ************ **** *** use **** ** computation or ************ ******** ******** data independence ****** **** *** modification ** *** physical ****** ****** ******* ******* *********** ******** ** be ********* ******* data independence means **** modification ** the ******* schema occurs without causing *********** ******** ** ** rewritten11 *********** ******** is ******** ** banks ******** *** ********* ** **** integrity ** ********** It ** **** *** * 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