speech of self disclouse r speech Please be sure to answer the following sections in full sentences. (NO DASHES AND A WORD NEXT TO IT) An outline does not mean exactly what you’re going to say so plea

Erik Quintuna

Public Speaking

Your name & preferred email address:

Erik Quintuna ([email protected])

Your introduction (The first thing out of your mouth when you start speaking)

Hello professor my name is Erik and today I will be talking about my career plans both short and long term and what I’m doing to achieve them. I also want to ask you if you plan on breaking your leg in the future because if you do, I might just be the person to help you rehabilitate it.

Your thesis: (The main point of what your speech is about in 2-3 sentences)

I’m attending La Guardia for the Physical Therapy Assistant Program. It is my career goal to become not only an assistant but a full-fledged physical therapist. It will be a long road but one I am willing to take and do my best in. Hopefully, by sharing my expected career path you can also be motivated and reminded of your goals.

Body: (Your body should include your main topic which is you and whatever you want to say about yourself and sub points about that main topic. Make sure you use full sentences and include a lot of detail in here.) There is no limit to how many sub points you can have but at least two are necessary.

  • I always wanted my career to be related to the medical field. Sport injuries always intrigued me mostly because I wanted to know if the player of my team was injured for a short or long period of time. Once the injury became known, I would always research it and try to find the estimated recovery time. Also, I had an injury myself which I had to rehabilitate which also helped pique my interest in physical therapy.

  • La Guardia has a physical therapy assistant program that you have to get accepted to be able to participate in. One of the requirements is to get passing grades in core classes. You also have to apply for candidacy before the end of the semester. This is perhaps the most important step and one that I plan on working really hard.

  • There is also an entrance exam called the TEAS. A passing grade of 55% is necessary to be considered for acceptance into the program. It covers 4 topics those being math, science, reading, and English. It is very important to make yourself standout, so just passing the exam won’t be enough.

  • The program takes about 2 years to complete and after that I will be able to work at a physical therapy office. The working experience will be invaluable, and it will set me up for my long-term career goal of becoming a physical therapist.

  • Your whole life can be determined in one semester which is kind of scary, but this is what motivates me every day to do my best in all my classes. It is important to set goals both short and long term so that they keep you motivated and constantly pushing forward, especially if it something you truly desire and want to achieve.

Conclusion: (How are you wrapping all of this up, bringing it together, and what’s the last thing you’re going to say)

  • Physical Therapy is something I am passionate about and with hard work and dedication, I plan on achieving my career goals in about 6-8 years.

  • I hope to have at least reminded you of your goals and why you are grinding every day.

  • I would love to practice physical therapy for a professional soccer team in the future, which is the ultimate goal, no pun intended.

Part two: Minimum 100 words: Why did you pick this specific part of yourself to speak about, and what was the thought process that went into it?

The reason I decided to speak about my career goals was to remind myself about why I am here and also to motivate myself and others to do their best. I wanted to go over each of the steps necessary to achieve my goals which will help me stay focused on the goal. This is the main focus of my life at this point, so I felt that sharing it with someone may also remind them of their goals and continue to inspire them towards their ultimate career goals. Also, by giving specific details of my expected career path, I was hoping to show the importance of having a short- and long-term goals which will keep you working towards them and lead you to success.