TT-Assig #4 - see attached

Assignment #4: Translation Technology Services

  1. Required Readings and Links:

    • Please read Chapter 1 & 2 of of The Future of Translation Technology (See attached)

Book: Sin-wai, C. (2019). The Future of Translation Technology. New York: Routledge.

  • Please read Chapter 1 & 2, Translation and Technology

Book: O’Hagan, M. (2019). The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology. New York: Routledge.

  • Development and Functions of Translation Technology PPT#1

  • Translation Tech- Standards PPT#2

  • Translation Technology and Machine Translation PPT#3

  • Space TMS – tutorial for Translation and Localization Project Managers

  • How to translate a document in SDL Trados Studio 2019 translation software

  • Please read Revisiting Translation Quality Assurance (see attached)

  • Google Translate adds 24 new languages, including its first indigenous languages of the Americas _ Article

  1. Assignment:, please response to the following questions:

B (1) Please respond to the following questions in paragraph format (2 paragraphs minimum), providing examples when requested. All responses are to be in complete sentences. If you are referencing an article, journal, or external resource, please cite this reference.

  1. What is a CAT Tool and how does it support language services? Response of 150 words.

  2. What is a translation memory and what is its purpose? How do you create a translation memory on SDL Trados? Response of 150 words.

  3. What is Translation Quality Assurance? What do we look for when completing this process and what are the challenges faced? Response of 150 words.

  4. What are the translation technology standards and how are they determined? How does it vary from Localization Industry Standards Association (LISA)? Response of 150 words.

  5. Google introduced 24 new languages, including its first indigenous languages of the Americas. How does this support globalization and language sustainability? What does the article mean when referencing “supporting low resource languages with less training data”? Response of 150 words.

B (2) Please respond to the following scenarios in paragraph format (2 paragraphs minimum), providing examples and problem-solving strategies . All responses are to be in complete sentences. If you are referencing an article, journal, or external resource, please cite this reference.

  1. SCENARIO 1: Response of 150 words

Create a project estimate for the following request:

Please translate this software manual (approx. 18,000 words) and giving you a 6 day turnaround time (TAT), including the weekend, for a total of a 4 business day TAT. On average, translators are able to translate 2,000 words per day. On average, editors and proofreaders can accommodate 3,500 – 5,000 words per day. The client is requesting that this translation following these steps – translation, editing, proofreading, QC.

Translator costs 0.9 cents per word

Editor costs 0.6 cents per word

Proofreader costs $30 per hour (2,000-3,000 words per day)

QC is completed internally but will cost the client min. $400.

The project must make a 40-50% profit.

Please create an estimate and list any challenges that may arise.

SCENARIO 2: 1. Response of 200 words.

A client you have already provided an estimate, deadline, and begun on the project is requesting additional services and for you to meet the same projected deadlines. The client is asking for Desk Top Publishing (DTP) and Accessibility QC. These additional services add a cost of $2,800, without including a rush fee. Please strategize and respond to the following questions.

  1. How will you respond to the client’s request?

  2. Will you be able to complete this task within the set deadline? If not, how will you adjust the timeline and update the client?

  3. How will you assure quality during the execution of a project?

  1. Student participation includes the following attributes:

  • Submissions utilize correct word usage, spelling, and punctuation.

  • All non-original work MUST be cited, in text and at the end of the document, in APA format, including both published and unpublished sources.

  • To avoid plagiarism, other people’s words MUST be quoted and cited, and other people’s ideas must be cited.

  • For an overview avoiding plagiarism, visit the Purdue University Online Writing Lab:


Please read the required reading(s). See attached material(s)

Follow the instructions above.

Sources cited should be from reading documents.

Thank you,
