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Student Conduct Appeal Regarding Case Number ##########

I. Introduction

The purpose of this Student Conduct Appeal is in response to my right under the Manual of Policies and Procedures for Student Affairs (MOPP) “§8-600. Appeal.” On MONTH DD, YYYY , I received a notification letter indicating that I was charged with the following violation(s): CHARGE(S) . These charges were a result of DESCRIPTION . After meeting with NAME , TITLE , on DATE , I was found responsible for the aforementioned charges and provided the following sanction(s): SANCTION(S) .

I am a YEAR student at The University of Texas at Tyler (UT Tyler). Currently, I am in the process of pursuing AN/A UNDERGRADUATE/GRADUATE degree in FIELD . I am appealing the LEVEL OF RESPONSIBILITY/CHARGE(S) because EXPLANATION .

II. Rationale for the Appeal


III. Conclusion


If you should have any questions, comments, or concerns related to “Student Conduct Appeal Regarding Case Number ########## ,” I would be very happy to discuss this with you. I can be reached at EMAIL ADDRESS or PHONE NUMBER .




  • Do not forget to input your case number in the header and remove the pound symbol and highlighted text.

  • Be advised that the header on page one is different than the header on the other pages. As such, you will also need to update the case number on page two.

  • Before submitting the Student Conduct Appeal, be sure you remove the comments and reminder text.

  • If you should need assistance, contact [email protected] or 903.565.5946.