Questions to be answered see attached file with the questions.

Answer the following question:

Why should ESL teachers think about preparing tiered questions for a lesson?

For the following activity, imagine you are a 5th-grade ESL teacher and need to teach a science TEKS. In your classroom, you have five students, each at a different stage of the five stages of second language acquisition. 


Then, you must complete the chart below using the information in Figure 2.1 of chapter 2 of the textbook. You must also select one 5th-grade Science TEKS to use as a reference when generating the questions for the last column, "2 Possible Tiered Questions". In that column, you need to write two questions appropriate for the student in that stage based on the objective (TEKS) you selected. 

Please read the chapter before attempting to complete this activity. 

Write the 5th Grade Science TEKS you selected:

Stage of Second Language Acquisition


Time Frame

2 Possible
Tiered Questions


Early Production

Speech Emergence

Intermediate Fluency

Advance Fluency