You are writing a 850- word minimum (3-5 pages) Research Planning Report that presents an overview of your topic, the research question that guides your exploration, and the sources you find in this p

How Pollution Affects the Health of the Human Population

The specific topic I will explore for P1 is "How pollution affects the health of the human population." This topic is of significant importance as pollution is a major environmental problem that impacts people's health in numerous ways. Air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution are some of the subtopics I will explore to get a comprehensive understanding of the impact of pollution on human health (Kelly & Fussell, 2015). The guiding question I am following is, "What are the effects of pollution on the health of the human population, and how can it be prevented?". So far, I have discovered that pollution can lead to respiratory problems, heart diseases, cancers, and other serious health issues. I also want to explore the ways in which people can reduce their exposure to pollution and prevent its negative impact on their health.

My anticipated audience is the general public. This research would matter to them as it will provide them with information about the harmful effects of pollution on their health and ways to reduce their exposure to it (Manisalidis et al., 2020). Students, researchers, and environmental organizations may also be interested in this information. The significance of the topic and the purpose of communicating about it is to raise awareness about the negative impact of pollution on human health and motivate people to take action to prevent it. The information I have found so far from my sources supports the topic effectively. I have found numerous studies that demonstrate the link between pollution and various health problems. Some key ideas I might want to feature in my essay include the different types of pollution and their effect on human health, the sources of pollution, and ways to reduce exposure to it. I will continue to search for more sources, including peer-reviewed articles, government reports, and environmental organizations.

In addition to the sources I have found so far, I will also look at case studies and real-life examples to support my ideas. I will search for additional sources through academic databases, such as PubMed and JSTOR, as well as environmental organizations and government websites. I will also consider conducting interviews with experts in the field to gather more information and fill any gaps in my research.

In conclusion, I have researched the pollution and its effect on human health so far, and I need to consider finding more sources to support my ideas and fill any gaps in my research. I will also continue to search for case studies and real-life examples to add more depth to my research.


Kelly, F. J., & Fussell, J. C. (2015). Air pollution and public health: emerging hazards and improved understanding of risk. Environmental geochemistry and health37, 631-649.

Manisalidis, I., Stavropoulou, E., Stavropoulos, A., & Bezirtzoglou, E. (2020). Environmental and health impacts of air pollution: a review. Frontiers in public health, 14.