Which mindset from Carol Dweck’s “Brainology”—fixed or growth—has most shaped you as a student thus far? How and why has that mindset impacted you?



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1. Thesis Statement: Carol Dweck's work on growth and fixed mindsets has shown how a person's beliefs about their abilities can shape their motivation and success.

II. Main Point 1: A growth mindset has most shaped me.

A. Topic Sentence: My belief in my ability to develop and improve has been the biggest influence on my growth and success.

B. Possible Evidence from Dweck’s text: In "Brainology: Transforming students' motivation to learn," Dweck explains how individuals with a growth mindset view challenges as opportunities for growth and see failure as a chance to learn, leading to higher motivation and achievement (Dweck, 2008).

C. Example to connect to your personal experience: For instance, in my academic studies, I have always approached every assignment and exam as an opportunity to learn and grow instead of viewing them as a threat to my intelligence. This mindset has helped me to stay motivated and confident, even in the face of difficulties.

III. Main Point 2: A fixed mindset has also played a role in shaping me.

A. Topic Sentence: My fear of failure and the need to prove my abilities have sometimes limited my potential.

B. Possible Evidence from Dweck’s text: In "Brainology: Transforming students' motivation to learn," Dweck explains how individuals with a fixed mindset are more likely to avoid challenges, give up easily, and experience more stress, leading to lower motivation and achievement (Dweck, 2008).

C. Example to connect to your personal experience: For instance, I have experienced times when I have been too afraid to try something new or take on a challenging task because I didn't want to risk failure. This fear has held me back from reaching my full potential and has sometimes limited my motivation and confidence.

IV. Main Point 3: A combination of growth and fixed mindsets has shaped me.

A. Topic Sentence: My beliefs about my abilities have been a combination of growth and fixed mindsets, affecting my motivation and success differently.

B. Possible Evidence from Dweck’s text: Dweck explains that many individuals hold a mixture of growth and fixed mindsets, which can positively and negatively affect their motivation and success (Dweck, 2008).

C. Example to connect to your personal experience: For example, in my personal life, I have a growth mindset when it comes to learning new skills but a fixed mindset when it comes to social situations leading to a mixture of confidence and anxiety. Understanding this balance has helped me to work on developing a more growth-oriented mindset in all areas of my life.


Dweck, C. S. (2008). Brainology: Transforming students’ motivation to learn. Independent school67(2), 110-119.