Compare and contrast both articles. For the Essay 2 Outline, you are going to practice creating a detailed outline.

Essay 2 Detailed Outline

This assignment will require you to look at the essays read for class and draw a comparison and contrast between the two of them. 

Your thesis statement should include (1) both text's authors & titles and (2) the comparisons you are making between the two.


Below is an optional template that you could use to create your thesis statement:

Although_____[insert first author & text]__________and ______[insert second author & text]______ are quite different, the two texts share many similarities, such as ___[1st similarity]___, _____[2nd similarity]________, and _____[3rd similarity]______.


I. Introduction

A. Hook (1 sentence)

B. Introduce each text and provide a brief summary of each

C. Thesis Statement

II. Body Paragraph 1

A. Topic Sentence that lists your FIRST point of comparison

B. Quote from text 1

C. Quote from text 2

*Your quotes should highlight the first point of comparison that you are mentioning

III. Body Paragraph 2

A. Topic Sentence that lists your SECOND point of comparison

B. Quote from text 1

C. Quote from text 2

*Your quotes should highlight the first point of comparison that you are mentioning

IV. Body Paragraph 3

A. Topic Sentence that lists your THIRD point of comparison

B. Quote from text 1

C. Quote from text 2

*Your quotes should highlight the first point of comparison that you are mentioning

V. Conclusion

A. Think about how you will answer the "so what?" question -- why is this topic important? Why should readers care?