Deliverable: Individual Memo: Discuss the technical aspects of water treatment from source water characteristics, and a designated reservoir, to final discharge into the water supply system for the

CENG 3371

Intro. Environmental Engineering

Lab # 7 (Water Treatment Plant Tour)

Due during your lab (Feb 28th or Mar 2ND)


  1. Learn the lay-out and configuration of a surface water treatment plant providing ADWS compliant water in a PWS.

  2. Explain the process used in surface water treatment plants and compare to in-class discussions on water treatment.


Visit to an operation water treatment plant operated by the City of Tyler. (Palestine Plant) After our trip to the City of Tyler’s Lake Palestine Water Treatment Plant you should have a better understanding of the lay-out and function of a water treatment facility


Individual Memo: Reporting what you saw and discuss the technical aspects of water treatment from source water characteristics, and a designated reservoir, to final discharge into the water supply system for the City of Tyler. Take notes of items during the tour and do not hesitate to ask questions. Be certain to include pictures, diagrams, tables and figures as appropriate.

Your memo should address the following issues but is not limited to:

  1. What is the capacity of the treatment facility and what is the current demand?

  2. Approximately, how much of Tyler’s population is served by this the plant for water service?

  3. What are the general characteristics of the source water (raw water) entering the plant?

  4. What unique/unusual raw water characteristics or contents does this treatment plant have to contend with?

  5. What does City of Tyler Water Utility do about this?

  6. Where does it come from? (Surface or Ground) Where is the intake located?

  7. Evaluate the treatment operations with respect to common water treatment parameters (level of treatment, softening, use of coagulants (what are they?), flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration). Include our classroom discussions for each of the five major components (2 Unit operations and 3 unit processes from lecture)

  8. Is there a disinfection system(s) present? What disinfection agent(s) is(are) used? Why?

  9. Is a sludge separation/handling system used by the facility? Which one? How effective is it? What happens to the sludge?

  10. Specifically find out the concentrations of chemicals of interest to water treatment and potable water supply in the raw and treated water. (ie Ca2+, ALK, Hardness< TDS, Turbidity, etc.)

  11. Include your assessment of the final character of the water and the standards achievement for final supply water delivered to the homes of Tyler. How is that information reported to the utility’s customers and what are the current testing results? (Safe Drinking Water standards) (See City of Tyler Water Utilities website for values)

  12. How does the current water demand per capita of the City of Tyler compare to national averages for fresh water usage?