Thank You.

Assessment Task 2

Enhance Customer Service Experiences

Portfolio & Roleplay


Aus. Biz Coaching provides a range of business coaching services designed to help clients develop their business vision and achieve desired outcomes.

The company has a strong focus on running events for clients and also offers a wide range of business coaching services, including one to one coaching, one off strategy sessions and online group coaching sessions. The company has also recently produced a book aimed at small business owners.

For the purposes of this assessment, you are employed as a Customer Service and Events Manager for the company. One of your roles is to match services offered by the company to client needs.


  1. Provide customer service over the call

Roleplay Scenario

Today you will receive enquiries from two customers

Read the case study scenario information provided above, as well as the Aus Biz Coaching List of Services (Appendix 1) to identify the services that may suit each customer.

Read the Customer Service Policy and Procedures (Appendix 2) to ensure that you understand procedures to be followed including answering enquiries and seeking input from other staff members as required, as well as recording customer details and privacy requirements.

The roleplay will be completed twice, once for two different customers. You will answer the enquiry according to company procedures and then provide information to each customer about the services the business offers that will help the customer with their needs.

Roleplay Conditions

Your assessor will play the role of each customer and will contact you over the phone (or Teams call).

You will also be required to follow up some information that you cannot provide to the customer over the telephone, as well as enter the customer’s details into the Customer Record Sheet (Appendix 3) provided to you which is part of the company’s procedures.

During the calls, you are required to:

  • Answer call in accordance with company policy

  • Listen to the customer’s enquiry to determine the exact nature of the request

  • Ask further questions as required to assist in identifying customer’s needs

  • Clearly and accurately explain services offered by Aus Biz Coaching suitable

  • Offer extra and add-ons that may be appropriate.

  • Respond to questions and provide information to assist the customer to select right option

  • Identify information that you are unable to immediately provide to the customer and respond in accordance with the customer service policy and procedure.

  • Ask for the customer’s details (name, company, position, telephone, email) and record them in the customer record sheet.

  • Explain key privacy requirements in relation to the recording of customer details as per the customer service policy and procedure.

  • Use a warm and friendly tone to build rapport

  • Use active listening techniques

Each roleplay should take no more than 10 minutes.

Answer: You need to write 3-4 paragraph for each roleplay according to “During the calls” (you need make 2 roleplay because we have two different customer (more information you can see on last page). When you already write paragraph for roleplay, you need to complete “Customer Record Sheet” (Appendix 3) ( you can see the appendix from other file I already attach)

  1. Write email to Jason (Email 1)

You have referred the customer requests to the Accounts Team (your assessor) and they have provided the following responses in regard to Jason’s query.

Jason will become a long-term client, so tell him that we will give him 10% off his first order.

The price will go up to the standard price following that. If he accepts the offer, we can see which of our consultants have experience in the building industry.

After receiving the reply from the Accounts team, write to the first customer with the offer that has been proposed.

You do not have to include an invoice but refer to the invoice in the email’s text and tell the prospective customer what the estimated cost of the services will be.

This email should be sent within the guidelines as set out in the Customer Service Policy and Procedures.

Answer: you can see the example on the notes that I already write on the last page.

  1. Write email to Samiya (Email 2)

You have referred the customer requests to the Head Business Coach (your assessor), and they have provided the following responses in regard to Samiya’s query.

You should assure Samiya that all the information provided to her will be simple and easy to understand. In fact, one of our consultants, Lexis, is Portuguese. I am sure that we can arrange for her to take on the client.

When you have received response from the Head Business Coach, write to the second customer with their response.

You do not have to include an invoice but refer to the invoice in the email’s text and tell the prospective customer what the estimated cost of the services will be.

This email should be sent within the guidelines as set out in the Customer Service Policy and Procedures.

Answer: you can see the example on the notes that I already write on the last page.

  1. Write email to Samiya (Email 3)

Assume that both customers have responded that they accept the offer given and want to proceed with the provision of products and services as soon as possible. You then contacted the selected consultant – Lexis Santos before you can confirm to the customer.

You received the following response from Lexis

Dear Customer Service and Events Manager.

Thank you for your recent email. The Head Business Coach has

already spoken to me about this customer, and I have agreed to

provide the services as recommended.

Unfortunately, I cannot take on a new client for at least one month.

I would appreciate it if you could relay this back to the customers and

make sure that they are willing to wait until next month for an

appointment. If they require a sooner appointment, they should take

another consultant, If the customer’s English is enough to run a

company in Australia, they should have no problems with a non-

Portuguese-speaking consultant.


Lexis Santos

Answer: you can see the example on the notes that I already write on the last page.

  1. Write email to the Head Business Coach (Email 4)

The objective of the email is to provide internal feedback on service issues and suggest improvements to the system.

Answer: you can see the example on the (*notes) that I already write on the last page.

  1. Handle the customer complaint

Roleplay Scenario

This assessment task requires you to handle a customer complaint in the role of Customer Service and Events Manager for Aus. Biz Coaching.

You will need to thoroughly review the following company documents before you commence this activity to ensure you understand and can apply procedures that must be followed and how to respond to customer complaints.

  • Complaint and Refund Policies and Procedures (Appendix 4)

  • Refund Policy (Appendix 5)

The customer (your assessor) will call you complaining about the workshop he attended being dull and uninteresting.

Roleplay Conditions

You will need to:

  • Answer the call in accordance with company policy.

  • Respond to the customer in accordance with the company’s compliant handling policy and procedure.

  • Use questioning techniques to establish and agree on the nature, possible cause, and details of the complaint.

  • Assess the complaint’s impact on customer

  • Calmly advise the customer that the complaint will be recorded and actioned as per the company’s policy. Briefly explain the company policy.

This roleplay should take no more than 10 minutes.

Answer: you need to write 3-4 paragraph according to “You will need to”. For appendix you can see on the other file I already attach.

  1. Inform customer the outcome of the compliant

Three days later you are advised that you may not refund the customer’s money, but you can offer them another workshop free of charge and/or they can have a one-off one-on-one session with a consultant.

Write a formal letter advising the customer of the outcome of the complaint.

Use the Customer Complaint Outcome Letter Template (Appendix 6) to guide your work.

This letter is an opportunity to demonstrate high quality customer service, so write the letter with this as a goal.

Answer: you can see the appendix from the other file I already attach.

  1. Write email to the managing director (Email 5)

The email text should give the nature, possible cause, and details of the complaint, as well as the impact that it has had on the customer.

It should also endeavour to describe how such a complaint could be avoided in the future.

Describe how the solutions offered to the customer could be used as opportunities to demonstrate high quality customer service to them.

Answer: you can see the example on the notes that I already write on the last page.

  1. Update feedback register

It is almost three months since both Samiya, and Jason finished their courses.

Review the Customer Service Policy and Procedures to determine how you should undertake the regular customer satisfaction review.

Enter the information that you receive back from the customers (assessor) into the feedback register.

Include follow up actions required to enhance service delivery in the future

The Feedback Register (Appendix 7) already includes feedback from customers collected over the first quarter of the financial year.

Answer: you can see the appendix from the other file I already attach.

10. Write emails to customers to promote repeat business (Email

6 & 7)

You’ve received the following email from the Managing

Director in response to the feedback and complaints you’ve

received from the customers.

Dear Customer Service and Administration Officer.

Thank you for the invaluable feedback that you have received from these two customers.

Please take this opportunity to write back to both of them thanking them for this. I authorise you to offer them one free one-on-one business consultant session as a sign of our gratitude. Take this as an opportunity to promote repeat business with both these customers, so please summarise the feedback that they have given and point out how we can use this to provide more personalised service to them in the future.


Managing Director

Write emails to both Jason and Samiya to promote repeat business by offering the services described by the Managing Director.

Answer: you need to write an email to Jason and Samiya.


For Activities 1:

  • Customer 1: Jason Smith, CEO of Oztech Electrics

You are interested in obtaining business coaching for a range of areas including leadership, marketing and time management. Oztech Electrics is an electrical contracting business. It has just over one hundred staff, and work closely with another hundred contractors.

If possible, you would like to have the coaching services provided by someone who has experience in the electrical or building industry. You have limited time and would prefer to receive coaching for a limited time per week. You would prefer the coaching to be online.

You are interested in starting coaching sessions early next year. You are interested in finding out about any events that he could attend but doesn’t want to commit to anything at this stage. He is particularly interested in business partnerships. You have no understanding or previous experience of business coaching, but you recognise that is probably the right time to speak to an expert about what you are doing with your company.

Ask for a summary of the services and products being offered and details of how much they cost.

You think that you are interested in the following:

  • Group online coaching

  • Business partnership

The student should suggest an add-on, such as the

Business Solution book. Accept their offer.

You have a limited budget and want to know if any

discounts are available.

The student should recognise that they need to confirm this

with the accounts team as per the list of services.

  • Customer 2: Samiya Santos, Samiya Designs

Phone: 0434343434

Email: [email protected]

You are Portuguese and have lived in Australia for eight years.

You have recently set up an online retail business, selling handmade designer clothes.

You are the sole business operator.

English is your second language, and you are worried about understanding technical concepts.

You want to book in for several one to ne coaching sessions. You would like to get an appointment as soon as practical. Your main area of interest is marketing, especially social media marketing. You have no understanding or previous experience of business coaching.

Ask for a summary of the services and products being offered and details of how much they cost.

You think that you are interested in the following:

  • Group online coaching

  • Business partnership

The student should suggest an add-on, such as the

Business Solution book. Accept their offer.

Explain that as English is your second language you are

worried about whether you will be able to understand

technical concepts of business coaching. You want to know

how complicated the language will be. The student should

recognise that they should discuss this with the business


For activities 2: Email To Jason (Example)

Subject Line: Aus. Biz Coaching Services

Dear Jason

Thank you for your call today, it was great to speak to you.

I am writing to confirm your participation in the group online coaching services provided by

Aus. Biz Coaching, as well as the purchase of our book, Business Solutions.

I have attached an invoice for your payment which you may pay over the phone by credit card

or by direct bank transfer.

To confirm, the cost of the online group coaching service is $1,300 and the Business

Solutions book costs $159.

Regarding your request for a discount, we are pleased to offer you a discount of 10% for

purchasing both the group online coaching services and our book. This amount is reflected in

your invoice.

Our Head Business Coach has assured me that we have several consultants with a

background in the construction industry, and that one f them will be selected to provide your

coaching as requested.

I note your interest in business partnership and note that we have an upcoming business

partnerships workshop next February. Our workshops have been very well received by our

customers and I encourage you to attend. Let me know if you would like to book in.

Kind regards

Customer Service and Events Manager

For activities 3 : Email To Samiya (Example)

Subject Line: Aus. Biz Coaching Services

Dear Samiya

Thank you for your call today, it was great to speak to you.

I am writing to confirm your appointment with our business coach for the one to one business

coaching services.

Your first appointment will be on 2 April at 11 am.

I have attached an invoice for your payment. which you may pay over the phone by credit

card or by direct bank transfer. Please pay the invoice immediately so as to confirm your


To confirm, the cost of the coaching service is $3,000.

Regarding your concerns about whether you will be able to understand technical concepts,

our business coach has advised that all information provided is simple and easy to

understand so you will have no problems at all. We have a consultant, Lexis, who is

Portuguese, and we will ensure that You receive your coaching from them.

I note your interest in social media marketing and note that we have an upcoming social

media marketing workshop in December. Our workshops have been very well received by our

customers and I encourage you to attend. Let me know if you would like to book in.

Kind regards

Customer Service and Events Manager

For activities 4: Email To Samiya 3 (Example)

the student’s email should state that Lexis (the Portuguese-speaking

consultant) cannot provide the requested services for another month and suggest

that they see another, non-Portuguese-speaking, consultant.

It should also include one way that the company could compensate the customer for

this service delivery, such as Samiya attending a social media workshop in the


For activities 5: Email to the Head Business Coach (Email 4)( example)

The objective of the email is to provide internal feedback on service issues and

suggest improvements to the system.

Assessor: the student’s email should make some suggestions for improvement of the

current system, such as:

• A list be maintained on which consultants have what second languages and a

background in which industry.

• That consultants’ timetables can be accessible to determine ongoing


For activities 8 : Email To Managing Director (Email 5) (Example)

Dear Managing Director

I am writing to you in reference to a customer complaint that I received recently.

The customer recently attended an Aus Biz Coaching workshop about Business Structures.

They stated that they found the course to be useless because it didn’t tell them anything other

than what they could already find on the Internet. As well as that, they found the presenter to

be really boring and dull.

The customer also stated that they wished to lodge a formal complaint.

I have completed the documentation for this complaint and recorded the details in the

complaints register.

The customer was disappointed in the service that they received, and quite angry that they

did not receive value for money at the course.

Although it was difficult to get to the root cause of the complaint during that first contact, it

appeared as though the customer was offered a course that was at a lower level than

appropriate, which is why he found it boring.

As for the presenter’s performance during the course, it may be appropriate to look at the

feedback forms that the other participants filled out following the course. You would then be in

a better position to evaluate whether the presenter’s performance was deficient, or if it was

just this customer’s perception of it.

The compensation that we have offered to the customer are another workshop free of charge

and/or they can have a one-off one-on-one session with a consultant. By getting the customer

to experience Aus Biz Coaching again, and by aligning the services more closely with the

customer’s needs, we have the opportunity to change the customer’s perception of what we

have to offer.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions regarding this complaint.


Customer Service and Administration Officer

#For Appendix you can see on the other file I already attach.