Thank You.

Appendix 1 - Aus. Biz Coaching List of Services

All services are to be paid by credit card or by direct bank transfer.

On confirmation of services, an invoice should be provided to the customer.

All invoices should be paid immediately to confirm services.

One-to-one business coaching

One-to-one business coaching is delivered over a number of sessions and is customised to meet a range of business goals, such as increasing business turnover, increasing profits, adding new products or services, working less hours or selling your business.

The initial meeting with you will last 1 to 2 hours. We will then develop a 90-day plan that includes 3 follow-up sessions during this time, of 2 hours each.

We can provide ongoing mentoring following the 90-day plan. For example, a meeting every 2 or 3 months, of one to two hours, to discuss and monitor your movement forward.

Cost: $3,000 with additional costs of $500 per meeting for mentoring.

One-off strategy session

The one-off strategy session is designed to focus on the key areas of business that need extra attention. This business strategy session provides clients with the guidance to boost business growth and success.

In just two hours, you will be assisted with getting clear direction and actions for the business that can be immediately implemented.

The intensive 2-hour session will give you a taste of what coaching can do for your business.

Cost $1,000

Online group coaching sessions

Based on meeting, working with, coaching and advising hundreds and hundreds of business and knowing what the common success factors are, Aus. Biz Coaches we have put together an affordable course that provides and overview of business success principles and techniques.

Aus. Biz Coaches offers an 8-week online group coaching sessions to achieve this. The sessions are delivered over the Internet with interactive tools and participants only need to allocate one hour per week to transform their business.

Topics covered will include:

  • Setting the right goals for your business, including KPIs

  • Business success principles

  • Avoiding common mistakes

  • Maximising business returns

  • Creating more time

  • Attracting and retaining quality staff

  • Improving business communications

  • Attracting referrals

  • Generating more clients with low cost and no cost lead generation

  • Organising your team

  • Leading your team

Cost $1,300


Ongoing events.

Price for all sessions is $295.00 per person.

20 March Business partnerships. 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm

The aim of this session is to provide you with information about business partnerships and whether to go into them.

17 April Business structure. 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm

This session aims to inform you about optimum business structures within your business, including how to form teams and what the optimal numbers within teams are.

19 July Talent management 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm

This session is aimed at assisting you to develop talented professionals within your organization and to implement formal systems of talent management.

23 October Business basics 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm

The aim of this session is to provide information about the foundations for business success, including how to generate leads, finding excellent staff and cash flow basics.

4 December Social media marketing 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm

The aim of this session is to provide information about social media marketing and how to harness its benefits to market your business and generate increased sales.


Solutions for Business Success

This book is designed for small business owners.

Find out how to make your business a success with step by step instructions to achieve your business vision and goals.

A number of tools to assist with planning are also included, including a Business Plan template and profit calculator.

Price $159.00

Appendix 2 - Aus Biz Coaching Customer service policy and procedures


All members of staff provide services to customers either directly or indirectly and must meet the needs of customers in a professional and ethical manner with courteous and efficient service.

Aus Biz Coaching is committed to:

  • Politeness: the use of good manners in all interactions

  • Responsiveness: meet agreed timeframes and follow up on all queries

  • Professionalism: being objective and knowledgeable and demonstrating integrity

  • Understanding: customers and their business

  • Confidentiality: respecting the confidentiality of customer information

  • Transparency: processes are clear, consistent, easy to access and documented.

General Principles

Staff will:

  • demonstrate to the customer at all times respect, courtesy, patience, attentiveness, consideration and sensitivity that is appropriate to the age, culture and linguistic background of the individual or group

  • listen to what customers have to say and determine the exact nature of the request

  • respond to customer enquiries promptly and efficiently in a timely manner

  • act with integrity and honesty when dealing with customers

  • make every effort to see customers with appointments on time and advise if delayed

  • assist with further enquiries. A contact name, telephone number and an address is to be included in all written correspondence.

  • if unavailable or away from the office, return email messages promptly upon returning

  • If away from the office for two or more days an “out of office” message is to be left on outlook and the telephone.

  • provide the customer with advice and other information that is accurate, clear, concise, reliable and in plain language

  • take appropriate action and respond in accordance with organisational policies and procedures with minimal inconvenience to the customer

  • adopt fair, lawful and appropriate procedures when making decisions, carrying out activities and performing services

  • be sensitive to any language or other communication difficulties experienced by customers when providing advice and other information

  • be sensitive to any customers with disabilities when providing advice and other information

  • present a positive image of Aus Biz Coaching to the public.

Managing Telephone Enquiries

The following procedure should be followed for telephone enquiries.

  • Answer the phone in a timely manner. All telephone calls should be answered on or before the third ring.

  • Greet the client with “Good morning or good afternoon”, and then introduce yourself.

  • Be warm and friendly

  • Speak slowly and clearly

  • Be careful with language: slang or jargon is not to be used

  • Be positive and helpful: if you don’t know the answer say that you will find out the answer and get back to the customer via telephone or email with the answer.

  • Give clear advice to the caller about when the caller can expect a response when calls cannot be fully responded to immediately. This should be within one business day.

  • Deal with customers calmly, courteously and patiently, even when the callers are angry, aggressive or distressed. Remain polite and seek help if necessary,

  • If a potential customer expresses interested in our services, suggest extras or add-ons, such as getting a copy of the book prior to the first service call to get them oriented.

  • Answer unattended telephones in the absence of colleagues whenever practical

  • Respond to telephone messages within one business day whenever practical

  • Change voicemail message(s) when absent from the office for any period of time, for example, external all-day meeting, state or territory based public holiday or leave.

Managing Written Enquiries

All written communication will be clear and concise.

Aus Biz Coaching endeavours to acknowledge receipt of written correspondence:

  • email within one working day

  • mail within three working days

Where Aus Biz Coaching is writing to a customer in response to an enquiry or other matter, all written correspondence must be finalised in the timelines shown below.

Prioritising customers

In order for operations to be as efficient as possible, Aus Biz Coaching prioritises customers using the following ratings:

1. Customers seeking an immediate appointment.

Such customer should be prioritised and allocated a rating of 1 in the customer record. Their request should be actioned within 4 hours.

2. Customers seeking appointment in the near future but not immediately or enrolling in an event.

Such customer should be prioritised and allocated a rating of 2 in the customer record. Their request should be actioned within 1 working day.

3. Request for general information.

Requests for general information are important and should be responded to within 2 working days. These types of request should be assigned a rating of 3.

Dealing with difficult customers

Aus Biz Coaching staff are expected to treat customers with courtesy and respect at all times and to make every reasonable effort to address the customer’s needs even when the customer is rude or difficult.

Staff must try and put themselves in the customer’s shoes and be empathetic.

Actively listen to what the customer is saying and repeat their concerns to make sure you are addressing the right issue.

Use calm, objective wording. For example, “As I understand, you are quite rightly upset because your book did not arrive in the time we specified.”

Apologise to the customer and present a solution. For example, you could offer a discount on a future service.

All feedback should be recorded.

Where the customer indicates they wish to lodge a formal complaint, outline the complaint procedure as in the company’s complaints handling policy.

Managing anonymous customer feedback

Customers can provide anonymous feedback to Aus Biz Coaching via the website. This feedback, however, can be difficult to investigate (often staff need to obtain more information from the person providing the feedback) and for obvious reasons it can be impossible to contact the person making the complaint and communicate the findings Aus Biz Coaching.

Aus Biz Coaching will not normally investigate anonymous feedback unless the issue places public safety at risk or raises a serious/legal matter and there is sufficient information in the feedback to carry out an investigation.

Confidentiality and privacy

Aus Biz Coaching is committed to the protection of customer personal information. All dealings with customers must abide by the Privacy Act 1998 and the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1998 (CTH) except when qualified by any relevant Codes of Practice, and will underpin all matters related to personal information at Aus Biz Coaching. Aus Biz Coaching also has a Privacy Policy in accordance with that Act.

Privacy Complaints

Individuals who feel that Aus Biz Coaching may have breached their Privacy or Aus. Biz Coaching’s Privacy Policy, are to contact Aus Biz Coaching in writing either by email, fax or letter.


Aus Biz Coaching welcomes feedback from all of its customers.

Feedback can be provided via email or by letter, or by completing our online feedback from.

Aus Biz Coaching is committed to actively seeking feedback from customers. When a service has been delivered to a customer, the Customer Service Officer who made the sale will contact the customer by email to determine how satisfied that customer was with our services.

This regular customer satisfaction review is to be carried out on every customer within three months of their last use of our services

The email should thank them for using our services and asking them their experience with us. Ask at least four relevant questions relevant to the service they received. Questions should include, as a minimum:

  • Were you satisfied with the services provided to you? Why or why not?

  • Would you recommend us to others? Why or why not?

  • What aspect of the services we provided to you did you like best?

  • What aspect of the services we provided to you did you like least?

  • Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

However, if there were other aspects that you think feedback might be valuable on, include this in the feedback email. Do not include more than six questions.

On receipt of feedback from any source, all feedback is recorded in our feedback register. The feedback register is reviewed at regular management meeting and evaluated for any action to be taken.

Where the feedback is a complaint, this will be dealt with as per our Complaints Handling Policy and Procedure.


In all of the situations referred to in this policy adequate documentary records must be made and maintained on the appropriate Aus Biz Coaching file.

All relevant customer details must be entered into a Customer Record Sheet Template and sent to the Head Business Coach, who will add it to existing entries.

Where the CEO determines to limit a customer’s access to Aus Biz Coaching in any of the ways specified in this policy, staff will be advised as soon as possible of the relevant circumstances and the action taken.


Subject field of email is clear and concise. Do not capitalise all letters.

Relevant recipients identified

Email includes greeting and name and position

Email body concise and to the point

Email checked for spelling and tone before sending. Tone should be warm.

Appendix 3 – Customer Record Sheet






Enquiry details


Details of response

Date of response

Follow up

Specific customer notes

Appendix 4 Aus. Biz Coaching Complaint Handling Policy and Procedures Policy purpose

We value complaints, as they assist us to improve our products, services and customer service.

This policy has been designed to assist both customers and staff. Aus. Biz Coaching is committed to consistent, fair and confidential complaint handling and to resolving complaints as quickly as possible. We aim to make it easy for people to make a complaint if they are dissatisfied and we will treat all customers making a complaint equally.

Our complaint handling policy and procedure is included on our web site.

Definition of a complaint

Complaints are defined as any expression of dissatisfaction or grievance made to staff by a customer or member of the public in relation to our business.

Recording complaints

All complaints made, verbal or written, will be recorded in our complaints form at the time the complaint is made, or as soon as possible afterwards. The complaint will be recorded by the staff member who took the details.

Alternatively, customers can download our complaint form from our web site and complete it themselves.

When taking a complaint, staff will ask for and record the name and contact details of the customer, as well as full details of the complaint including the date.

Staff must acknowledge the customer’s concerns, remembering that the customer is of key importance. Staff must be polite and respectful and use active listening techniques to acknowledge the customer’s concerns.

Details of all communication with the customer and any actions to resolve the complaint will be recorded in the same place.

Customers’ personal details or details of their complaint will not be divulged to third parties unless we have their written consent.

All complaints will also be entered into the company’s complaint register which will be reviewed at quarterly management meetings to discuss continuous improvement and preventative measures.

All complaints will be actioned by the Customer Service/Administration Officer or in complex matters, referred to the Managing Director.

When a complaint has been finalised, a summary should be sent to the Managing Director along with all relevant documents.

Informing customers of progress

We strive to resolve all complaints within 10 business days of receipt. Written complaints will be acknowledged within 2 business days and a timeframe will be provided then for the resolution of the complaint.

Customers will be given an indication of the timeframe at the time they make their complaint. Customers will be informed of the progress of their complaint regularly, especially if there are any delays or changes to what has been agreed.

A standard letter will be provided advising of the outcome of the complaint and providing timelines for action.

Customers will be informed of any changes to our products or services as a result of their complaint.

Where appropriate, customers who have had a complaint resolved will be contacted at a later date to see if they are happy with how their complaint was handled.

Responding to complaints

All people making a complaint will be treated with courtesy.

Customers will be given a timeframe, a contact person and details of our complaint handling process. Where possible, the staff member taking the complaint details will be the contact person.

Escalation of complaints

If a complaint cannot be resolved by the usual complaint process, it should be referred to a Managing Director and the customer will be informed and given an amended timeframe for resolution.

If we cannot resolve the complaint to the customer’s satisfaction, we will inform them about where they can take further action, such as Consumer Affairs. We will provide contact details.

Appendix 5 Aus. Biz Coaching Refund policy

Our refund policy is as follows:

We require you to pay a non-refundable deposit of 10% for all of our coaching services. If you cancel your appointment, your deposit will not be refunded.

Where you cancel your attendance at an event the following applies:

More than 5 working days prior to the event, you will be refunded in full.

Less than 5 working days prior to the event, you will be refunded 50% of the event price.

After the event has commenced, there are no refunds.

Publications: once your publication is posted to you, there will be no refunds unless the book has been ripped or damaged in any way in transit.

Appendix 6 – Complaints Outcome Letter



Re. Outcome of complaint

Dear [customer name]

I am writing to advise of the outcome of your complaint about [briefly describe what the complaint was about]

At Aus Biz Coaching we value all of customers and strive to resolve all customer complaints to the satisfaction of our customers.

I am writing to advise you that [ description of the resolution and proposed solutions]

Yours sincerely

[Student name]

Customer Service Officer



Related to

Type of feedback

Feedback provided

Provided by

Follow up required/solutions

June 15



The workshop was not interesting or beneficial, customer is requesting a refund

Sally Barnes

Check if its clear in refund policy that no refunds after event attended/review workshop content

June 16

One to one business coaching


I benefitted a lot from the service but it was really hard to book in for an appointment as Bob seemed to be booked

John Stanford

Investigate solutions, this may mean employing more business coaches

August 17



Loved the publication, would be good to have more publications to read

Jeff Schumacher

Investigate solutions

August 31

Group online coaching


Great sessions, but connection kept droppping in and out

Margaret Smith

Need to follow up with IT department

September 9

Group online coaching


I got a lot out of this but I think the groups need to be smaller so everyone gets a chance to speak

Bob Smart

Discuss matter with staff at next meeting

September 14



Response to feedback email said that happy with coaching service but had to call a few times to get the appointment, almost gave up and went to another service provider

Cilla Brown

Need to investigate - as above, may be means employing more business coaches

September 20

Event arrangements


I was unhappy with the food provided at the event - I asked for vegetarian food and this was not provdied

Janice White

Acknowledge feedback and apologise to cusomter

September 21



I wanted an immediate appointment and was told I would be contacted within 1 business day, it was actually 3 days which was diasspointing

Shi Lee

Investigate why timelines aren't being adhered to

SITXCCS007 Appendices and templates

Version 1.0, January 2022

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