A research paper on the benefits and risks of the Atkins diet. You must use at least 4 peer reviewed journal articles in this paper anything more must be a peer reviewed journal articleAPA format 7th

Exercise Physiology Final Project

Project grading will use the following criteria:

  • Coherence: Did what you wrote make sense? Is it legible? Can I follow your train of thought and are you making logical sense throughout the text

  • Adherence: Does your paper adhere to the guidelines and rules I have set out above. Are you summarizing and critiquing the articles, are you drawing out the main findings of each article as they pertain to your topic/question. Are you refraining from allowing your personal biases to find their way into the body of your paper.

  • Grammar and syntax: I’m no grammar Nazi, but I assume by this point in college you can all write in full sentences, complete paragraphs, and understand how to punctuate. If there are a lot of these types of errors I will factor those in.

  • Inference: Are you seeing the big picture? Are you choosing the right articles for your topic, are you extracting the right takeaways from those articles, are you making logical conclusions

  • Format: APA (in-text citations and works cited) – I’m gonna be a stickler on this aspect. Make sure everything is in APA format!!!