Instructions (SCMG 305) Week 2 Assignment: Demand Forecasting Research Course Learning Objectives: CO2: Examine the concept of demand-driven forecasting as compared to supply-driven forecasting Prom

Demand Forecasting Journal Article

Student Name

American Public University

COURSE####: Course Title

Instructor Name

Due Date

Journal Reference

Erase back to the beginning of the first sentence in this section and insert a reference APA format.

Summation of the Journal Subject Matter

Use this section to thoroughly explore the journal article subject matter. Erase back to the indent and begin.

Research Conducted

Use this section to thoroughly explore the journal article research. Erase back to the indent and begin.

Summation of the Journal Subject Matter

Use this section to thoroughly explore the journal article subject matter. Erase back to the indent and begin.

Journal Background & Literature Survey

Use this section to explore the journal article background research in the Literature survey section. Erase back to the indent and begin.

Findings and Conclusions

Use this section to thoroughly explore the findings and conclusions section of the journal article. Erase back to the indent and begin.

Summary of Learning

Use this section to summarize what you have learned about forecasting from this journal article. Erase back to the indent and begin.


Lastname, C. (2008). Title of the source without caps except Proper Nouns or: First word after colon. The Journal or Publication Italicized and Capped, Vol#(Issue#), Page numbers.