File attached - 10 questions for HR MBA program

APA writing conventions should be followed with a minimum of two (2) sources referenced (in the end of your answer for each question) and cited (as appropriate within your answer). Your response (minimum of 300 words) should be a thoughtful, objective academic analysis of the OBHR concepts being learned in the course. 

Question 1

What does evidence-based management mean? Describe a situation you have heard about in which companies have practiced evidence-based management, as well as situations in which companies have relied on fads that lacked sufficient evidence of their worth

Question 3

It has almost become a mandatory practice for companies to ensure that employees have fun at work. Many workplaces now have fully-stocked lounges, games rooms, funky painted walls, and regular social events. A few even have a slide to travel down to the next floor. However, some experts warn that imposing fun at work can have negative consequences. “Once the idea of fun is formally institutionalized from above, it can lead to employees becoming resentful,” warns one critic. “They feel patronized and condescended, and it breeds anger and frustration.” Apply the model of perception, attitudes, and behaviour to explain how fun activities might improve customer satisfaction, as well as how they might result in poorer customer satisfaction.

Question 4

you have just been transferred from the Montreal office to the Vancouver office of your company, a national sales organization of electrical products for developers and contractors. In Montreal, team members regularly called customers after a sale to ask whether the products arrived on time and whether they are satisfied. But when you moved to the Vancouver office, no one seemed to make these follow-up calls. A recently hired co-worker explained that other co-workers discouraged her from making those calls. Later, another co-worker suggested that your follow-up calls were making everyone else look lazy. Give three possible reasons why the norms in Vancouver might be different from those in the Montreal office, even though the customers, products, sales commissions, and other characteristics of the workplace are almost identical. 


Senior management at a consumer goods company wants you to investigate the feasibility of using a virtual reality platform (such as Second Life) for monthly online meetings involving its three dozen sales managers, located in several cities and countries. Use the social acceptance and media richness factors described in this chapter to identify information you need to consider when conducting this evaluation. 

Question 5

Think about the wide range of companies that you've interacted with for various reasons and answer the following questions: (a) Which company do you believe has the best culture (in your opinion)? (b) What key factors do you think contribute to this optimal culture? (c) What's the organizational leader's role in creating or maintaining this culture? Please be sure to support your responses using relevant insights from this week's lecture materials. 


Informed by this week's lecture materials, based on your interactions with a company e.g., Canadian Superstore/ Canadian Tire, a local restaurant, your doctor's office, and your school or workplace), identify and justify an opportunity for an organizational change that would enhance the firm's performance/operations in an area of interest. Next, employ Kotter's 8-stage model to create and propose a general plan for implementing this change.   

Question 6

Assume that you are the HR manager of a mid-sized business in British Columbia and the CEO of your company is planning expansion in the near future. As an HR manager, what resources would you deem necessary for the expansion to be successful? What would your suggested strategic plan for this expansion be?

APA writing conventions should be followed with a minimum of two (2) sources referenced (in the end of your answer) and cited (as appropriate within your answer). Your response (minimum of 300 words)

Question 7

You have been given the task of Preparing interview questions for a female candidate who has applied for the role of Project Manager in rural Alberta. You have to ensure your questions are both valid and reliable as well as non-discriminatory in nature. You must prepare at least 10 Questions.

Question 8

Review all the positions you have ever held. Below each position, identify core knowledge, 
skills, and abilities that you learned in each position. Next, identify a career you would 
like to be actively engaged in over the next three years. Under the future career, outline 
core knowledge, skills, and abilities the position would require. Now reflect on your own 
career trajectory to highlight your history of skill development and identify any gaps that 
may exist that you will need to develop to advance to your desired career in the future. 

Question 9

Do you agree with the use of forced distribution methods to rate employees? Why or 
why not?  How does this differ from the 360-degree feedback method? Support your answer with external resources/articles. 

Question 10

A Canadian bank has received multiple complaints from customers concerning its Philippines-based call center. The bank is exploring the possibility of moving the call center back to Canada. This would require the closure of the Philippines operation and the establishment of a Canadian-based operation. Setting up the new call center in Canada would require significant efforts in HR planning to ensure a smooth transition of operations. The HR director has tasked you (the HR manager) with investigating various options including downsizing, restructuring, and/or retraining.   

Critically evaluate the major concerns and problems faced by an HR manager in such a scenario and make a recommendation as to how you (in the role of HR manager) might approach these circumstances. What should your first steps be?  

Question 11

Reflect on the course and share one or two key items you have learned this term and discuss how it relates to your professional career and goals. Include things that you liked as well as any concepts that might still be a bit unclear. Do you have a better appreciation for OBHR after taking this course?