Answer questions on the attached from the book Memory of Things

Memory of Things Part IV Online-Discussion For today's online discussion, you must complete the following. 1. Choose one of the following questions. Answer the question in-depth. Make sure you label which question you are answer . a. EXAMPLE: 1. The authors writing style.... 2. Respond to two of your classmates responses a. Y our response can be an agreement, disagreement, or another question. This should work just as a regular discussion would in the classroom Questions Kyle first mentions learning about Zen koans in one of his classes on page 39, and several more times later in the book. “Zen koans are riddles that don’ t have any right answers, like the famous one about one hand clapping, or the tree that falls in the forest when no one is around.” 1. How does Kyle’ s view of zen koans change over the course of the book? 2. In what ways does his clearer understanding of this concept alter how he sees his family , himself, and even 9/1 1? 3. What are some stories you’ve read in class or on your own that might fall into this category? 4. What is the dif ference among personal, group, and institutional memory? Can each type of memory process and recall events dif ferently and still all be correct?