Instructions are in the attached files. school of choice: Thurgood Marshall Fundamental Programs Offered: Avid & Gifted

High Leverage Practice Notebook



Course Title and Section

  1. List of School Wide Programs

Complete a list of programs provided at a school of your choice in your area (such as gifted program, SLP, STARS, AVID, chorus, art, etc.). Be sure to include the school’s website link here as well.

  1. Classroom Strategies Checklist

View the links below and make note of any high leverage practices (HLPs) you see. Document how it was used in the following table. You will not see all of the HLPs listed as your viewing time is limited. Report on only what you see. (12min) (5 min) (6 min) (3 min) (18 min) (19 min) (11 min) (8 min) (8 min) (11 min)

High Leverage Practice (HLP)

Briefly describe what you noted from your observation


HLP 1: Collaborate with professionals to increase student success.

HLP 2: Organize and facilitate effective meetings with professionals and families.

HLP 3: Collaborate with families to support student learning and secure needed services.


HLP 4: Use multiple sources of information to develop a comprehensive understanding of a student’s strengths and needs.

HLP 5: Interpret and communicate assessment information with stakeholders to collaboratively design and implement educational programs.

HLP 6: After special education teachers develop instructional goals, they evaluate and make ongoing adjustments to students’ instructional programs.


HLP 7: Establish a consistent, organized, and respectful learning environment.

HLP 8: Provide positive and constructive feedback to guide students’ learning and behavior.

HLP 9: Teach social behaviors.

HLP 10: Conduct functional behavioral assessments to develop individual student behavior support plans.


HLP 11: Identify and prioritize long- and short-term learning goals.

HLP 12: Systematically design instruction toward a specific learning goal.

HLP 13: Adapt curriculum tasks and materials for specific learning goals.

HLP 14: Teach cognitive and metacognitive strategies to support learning and independence.

HLP 15: Provide scaffolded supports.

HLP 16: Use explicit instruction.

HLP 17: Use flexible grouping.

HLP 18: Use strategies to promote active student engagement.

HLP 19: Use assistive and instructional technologies.

HLP 20: Provide intensive instruction.

HLP 21: Teach students to maintain and generalize new learning across time and settings.

HLP 22: Provide positive and constructive feedback to guide students’ learning and behavior.

McLeskey, J., (2018). High Leverage Practices. Council for Exceptional Children. CEEDAR Center.

3) Using the What Works Clearing House to Support Student Success

Choose two practice guide videos that you can use to support student success to review from the What Works Clearinghouse (link provided).

Name of the practice guide

Subject Area

Brief summary of practice

  1. Staffing and Referral Process

Watch The 10 Step Exceptional Student Education Process and summarize the video in a well-developed paragraph.

Instructions are in the attached files.   school of choice: Thurgood Marshall Fundamental   Programs Offered: Avid & Gifted 1

Staffing Video Summary