Compile all the previous sections under under one file including the findings/analysis page, conclusion page and references page for all the sources you have used in your research paper. Page Count: 9

5/2/23, 9:57 AM Writing Assignment W eek 14: FINAL Draft of Research Paper 1/2 Writ in g A ssig nm ent W eek 1 4: F IN AL D ra ft o f R ese arc h P aper Due Saturday by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a file upload Attempts 0 Allowed Attempts 1 Start Assignment Ove rv ie w:

The goal of this assignment is to help you how to write a research paper on your selected topic. There only one attempt to submit your complete research paper . So, read all the instructions carefully and fix your essay accordingly as you won't be given second chance for your paper . Y our submitted paper will be graded for the final and total score for project of research paper . Please send me an email in case of any query. Y our paper should be submitted by the due time and date because your paper will be graded immediately after your submission. See my comments on all the previous parts of your paper and modify it accordingly .

Complete & Final Draft is Due: Sunday, May 06, 2023 Dire ctio ns: Submit your paper as per the given format Cover Page purpose, Mode of research) per the nature of your topic) Findings/Analysis: questions under this section based on your own analysis and findings after reviwing the pre- existed data presented by other researchers in literature review) 5/2/23, 9:57 AM Writing Assignment W eek 14: FINAL Draft of Research Paper 2/2 Reference Page fin din gs/a n aly sis p ag e, c o nclu sio n p ag e a n d r e fe re n ces p ag e f o r a ll t h e s o urc es yo u h ave u sed in y o ur r e searc h p ap er. Page Count : 9-10 pages (Do not exceed 10 pages) Format : MLA format, heading, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font, 1” margins, W ork Cited page, in text citations, etc.

Thesis statement: The introduction should reflect what the researcher is going to do in the paper . Resources: FIVE credible sources for this essay. In-text citations: Make sure you have given all the intext citations as per your reference page Transitions: In order to bring the coherence and cohesion within your text, you should use enough transitions. V ideos have been posted in the previous unit for when and how to use transitions in the text.

Academical sentence structures: You should write all the sentences in a formal academical structure as written discourse is dif ferent from spoken discourse.

Revise and Edit your paper before the final submission How to C om ple te Y our A ssig nm ent [F ile U plo ad E xa m ple ]:

Submit your work here in the CANV AS system as a Word 97-2003 , .docx or other word processing file. ( Google Docs ( h ttp ://d ocs.g oogle .c o m /) , Open Office ( h ttp s://w ww.o pen offic e.o rg /) are also acceptable. If you are using iW orks, please convert to one of these file formats, as your instructor may not be able to view your document.) Directions to Submit 1. On the right hand Menu, you will see a SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT button with a white plus sign. 2. Click on the SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT Then click BROWSE to look for your file on your computer . 3. When done, click the SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT button.