Use your own word. Thank You.

Assessment Task 1



You are a Chef with IPSO Hospitality Group. The Group is very focussed on excellent customer service and each staff member is expected to have excellent customer service skills.

Your team leader is very busy this week and has asked you to help a new staff member (customer service officer) to understand their roles and responsibilities and reporting requirements. The team leader has also asked you to explain IPSO’s complaints policy and procedures and associated forms.


  1. Meet with the staff member

Roleplay scenario

You are required to prepare for, and meet with, the new Customer Service Officer. The meeting should last no more than 15 minutes, as you also have a busy work schedule.

Roleplay conditions

The Customer Service Officer will be roleplayed by your assessor and will ask you questions during the meeting.

Review the following documents provided to you:

  • Customer Service Officer Position Description (Appendix 1)

  • Customer Complaints Policy and Procedures (Appendix 2)

  • Complaints Register (Appendix 3)

  • Complaint Acknowledgement Letter (Appendix 4)

  • Complaint Outcome Letter (Appendix 5)

Make notes about the documents if necessary to guide your discussion with the customer service officer.

Assume that the new customer service officer will be from a different cultural background to you. Choose any culture for the new customer service officer and research differences in communication styles between that culture and language background, and your own.

During the meeting you will be expected to:

  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of Customer Service Officers as documented in the position description

  • Outline the reporting arrangements, ensuring that it is clear that you will be the first person to report to

  • Explain the complaints policy and procedure including:

  • Purpose of the policy

  • Definition of complaints

  • Forms to be used for complaints (show the forms to the staff member)

  • Responding to complaints

  • Keeping customers informed

  • When complaints should be escalated

  • Present information and seek advice using language and features appropriate to audience

  • Participate in discussions using listening and questioning to elicit views of others and to clarify or confirm understanding

Answer: You need to answer the (Complaints Register (Appendix 3), Complaint Acknowledgement Letter (Appendix 4), Complaint Outcome Letter (Appendix 5)(you can see on the other files that I already attach)) and then you need to write 4-5 paragraph about “During the meeting”.

  1. Write an email to your assessor

Reflect on the feedback provided to you at the end of the meeting and consider how you intend to action the feedback. Include these in the email.


  1. Write a training options report

Assume you have been asked to look into training to improve customer service. Use the internet to find three (3) different formal training options for customer service training.

One should be provided by an external provider at the company’s premises, one should be a short course that a new member of staff could take and the third should be a formal qualification.

Provide a brief outline of the training and the name of the company offering the training, as well as the costs and time commitment.

Use the Training Options Report template (Appendix 6) to guide your work.

Answer: For the template (you can see on the other files that I already attach)

  1. Write an email to your Manager (assessor)

The email should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and seek their feedback.

The email text should include your recommended training option according to the budget and time constraints given.

The training that you identify must be completed in the next three months, and a budget of $700 per team member is available

Attach your Training Options Report to the email.


  1. Prepare a report in response to a workplace scenario


The new customer service officer has now been with IPSO Hospitality Group for three months.

She confides with you (a fellow customer service officer) that she is feeling stressed and hasn’t been sleeping well because she doesn’t feel that she has had enough training to do her job and sometimes when customers call with issues, she is just not sure how to respond.

Your report should cover:

  • Brief explanation of why the issue identified in the scenario is an issue that needs to be resolved.

  • What good stress and what bad stress is

  • Who should the stressed customer service officer speak to?

  • Description of what the stressed customer service could ask for in terms of changes that would address their situation.

  • Who, outside the organisation, could the stressed customer service officer ask to assist them with this issue should the staff member not be satisfied with their employer’s response?

  • Description of at least five steps that the new customer service officer could take to assist in dealing with workplace stress.

Use the Workplace Issue Report template (Appendix 7) to guide your work.

Answer: For the template (you can see on the other files that I already attach)