Use your own word. Thank You.

Appendix 1 – IPSO Hospitality Group – Customer Service Officer Position Description

Role summary

The Customer Service Officer is a first point of contact for IPSO Hospitality Group.

The primary role of a Customer Service Officer within the team is to respond to a variety of

customer enquiries and requests.

These may include enquires about:

  • Types of products available

  • Product prices

  • Trouble shooting

  • Warranty

  • Trouble shooting requests


A customer service officer is responsible for the following duties:

  • Responding to a range of enquires including:

    • Types of products available

    • Product prices

    • Store locations

    • Trouble shooting

    • Warranty

  • Recording all enquiries and actioning enquiries as required

  • Promoting IPSO Hospitality Group products and services

  • Updating customer’s personal details

  • Referring customers to appropriate technical support if required.

  • Responding to complaints in accordance with company policy


A Customer service officer must always perform their duties in line with the organisation’s policy and procedures, service standards and code of practice. They should operate within their level of authority and responsibilities. Where a customer service officer recognises that, or is unsure about whether, the task falls in their scope of authority, they should immediately consult their Team Leader. If the Team Leader is not available, customer service officers should report to the Operations Manager.

Appendix 2 – IPSO Hospitality Group Complaints Handling Policy and Procedure

Policy purpose

We value complaints as they assist us to improve our products, services and customer service.

This policy has been designed to assist both customers and staff.

PSO Appliances is committed to consistent, fair and confidential complaint handling and to resolving complaints as quickly as possible.

We aim to make it easy for people to make a complaint if they are dissatisfied and we will treat all customers making a complaint equally.

Our complaint handling policy and procedure is included on our web site.

Definition of a complaint

Complaints are defined as any expression of dissatisfaction or grievance made to staff by a customer or member of the public in relation to our business.

Recording complaints

All complaints made, verbal or written, will be recorded in our complaints form at the time the complaint is made, or as soon as possible afterwards. The complaint will be recorded by the staff member who took the details.

Alternatively, customers can download our form from our web site and complete it themselves.

When taking a complaint, staff will record the name and contact details of the customer, as well as full details of the complaint including the date.

Details of all communication with the customer and any actions to resolve the complaint will be recorded in the same place.

Customers’ personal details or details of their complaint will not be divulged to third parties unless we have their written consent.

All complaints will also be entered into the company’s complaint register which will be reviewed at quarterly management meetings to discuss continuous improvement and preventative measures.

All complaints will be actioned by the Customer Service/Administration Officer or, in complex matters, referred to the Managing Director.

Informing customers of progress

We strive to resolve all complaints within 10 business days of receipt. Written complaints will be acknowledged within 2 business days and a timeframe provided for the resolution of the complaint.

Customers will be given an indication of the timeframe at the time they make their complaint.

Customers will be informed of the progress of their complaint regularly, especially if there are any delays or changes to what has been agreed.

A standard letter will be provided advising of the outcome of the complaint and providing timelines for action.

Customers will be informed of any changes to our products or services as a result of their complaint.

Where appropriate, customers who have had a complaint resolved will be contacted at a later date to see if they are happy with how their complaint was handled.

Responding to complaints

All people making a complaint will be treated with courtesy.

Customers will be given a timeframe, a contact person and details of our complaint handling process. Where possible, the staff member taking the complaint details will be the contact person.

Escalation of complaints

If a complaint cannot be resolved by the usual complaint process, it should be referred to a Managing Director and the customer will be informed and given an amended timeframe for resolution.

If we cannot resolve the complaint to the customer’s satisfaction, we will inform them about where they can take further action i.e. Consumer Affairs Victoria. We will provide contact details.

Appendix 3 – IPSO Hospitality Group Complaints Register


Complainant name

Person responsible

Description of complaint




Systemic improvement required

Appendix 4 – IPSO Hospitality Group Complaint Acknowledgement Letter

Customer name:

Customer address:

Receipt of complaint

Date of complaint:

Dear <customer name>

I am writing to advise of the receipt of your complaint about <insert brief description>.

We are currently auctioning your complaint and will advise you of the outcome in writing within 10 days of the date of this letter.

Yours sincerely


Customer Service Officer

Appendix 5 – IPSO Hospitality Group Complaint Outcome Letter

Customer name:

Customer address:

Outcome of complaint

Dear <customer name>

I am writing to advise of the outcome of your complaint about <brief description of complaint>.

At IPSO Appliances we value all of customers and strive to resolve all customer complaints to the satisfaction of our customers.

I am writing to advise you that <brief description of outcome and timelines>.

Please contact us to <brief description of arrangements e.g. if products need to be picked up for repair or replacement, customers should be advised that they should contact the store to advise of a suitable time or where the outcome is in our favour to say that they may call to discuss the matter further>.

Yours sincerely


Customer Service Officer

Appendix 6 – Training Options Report

External provider at the company’s premises

Short course

Formal qualification

Appendix 7 – Workplace Issue Report

Brief explanation of why the issue identified in the scenario is an issue that needs to be resolved

What good stress and what bad stress is

Who should the stressed customer service officer speak to?

Description of what the stressed customer service could ask for in terms of changes that would address their situation.

Who, outside the organisation, could the stressed customer service officer ask to assist them with this issue should the staff member not be satisfied with their employer’s response?

Description of at least five steps that the new customer service officer could take to assist in dealing with workplace stress.

BSBHRM506 Appendices and templates

Version 5.1, February 2021

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