Could someone take this assignment This week, you continue your assessment of the organization you selected in Week 1 when you prepare a report on leadership styles for the leadership team. The jour

Behavioral Theory Laissez-Faire

Transformational Leadership

Leadership Contingency Theories

  • Do not provide no motivation are support systems for their workers.

  • Laissez faire leadership is often affiliated with a lack of responsibility.

  • Are normally seen as a casual observers who allow episodes to happen.

  • Can work at their own pace and encourage activity

  • The Transformational leadership focus on inspiring and followers to achieve their potential.

  • Are held in higher much higher responsibility and performance.

  • Transformational leadership was found to lead subordinates to perceive the culture as more innovative compared to transactional contingent reward.

  • Create a shared sense of purpose within teams and inspire people to work toward common goals.

  • The contingency theory focus on different variables in a specific setting that determine the style of leadership.

  • Focus on creating a shared vision and aligning the goals of the followers with the goals of the organizations.

  • Transactional contingent reward led employees to perceive the culture as more goal, than innovation, oriented.

  • Contingency leadership assumes leadership assumes that there is no one size fits all approach.


Rizvi, H. (2023, February 21). Laissez Faire Vs Transformational Leadership: How They Differ?,through%20personal%20attention%20and%20rewards

The Difference Between Transactional and Transformational Leadership. (n.d.).