Rules for goal setting When you are coming up with your goals, you need to design goals that can be tracked. The goals need to be…S.M.A.R.T. or now S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Specific - Is the goal well define



Name ________________________ Date_____


Goals are critical to initiate change. Goals motivate behavioral change and provide a plan of action. Goals are most effective when they are:

  • Well planned. Only a well-conceived action plan will help you attain your goal.

  • Personalized. Goals that you set for yourself are more motivational than goals someone else sets for you.

  • Written. An unwritten goal is simply a wish. A written goal, in essence, becomes a contract with yourself.

  • Realistic. Goals should be within reach.

  • Measurable. Write your goals so they are clear, and state specifically the objective you wish to accomplish.

  • Time – Specific. A goal always should have a specific date set for completion. This date should be realistic but not too distant in the future.

  • Monitored. Monitoring your progress as you move toward a goal reinforces behavior. Keeping a physical activity log periodically determines where you are at any given time.

  • Evaluated. Periodic re-evaluations are vital for success. You may find that a given goal is unreachable. If so, reassess the goal. On the other hand, if a goal is too easy, you will lose interest and may stop working toward it. Once you achieve a goal, set a new one to improve or maintain what you have achieved. Goals keep you motivated.

Long range exercise and lifestyle change goals (6 to 16 weeks +)

Goals Target date to complete

1. _________________________________________ __________

2. _________________________________________ __________

3. _________________________________________ __________

Short range exercise and lifestyle change goals (1 day to 2 weeks)

For full credit, all ten blanks must be filled in:

Goals Target date to complete

  1. _________________________________________ __________

  1. _________________________________________ __________

  1. _________________________________________ __________

  1. _________________________________________ __________

  1. _________________________________________ __________

  1. _________________________________________ __________

  1. _________________________________________ __________

Contract Agreement

I agree to this contract as an indicator of my personal commitment to achieve my goals

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ______________