HR 500 Paper

9/7/2016 Rubric Detail – HRM500016VA016­1166­001 1/4 R u b ric  D e ta il A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student w ork. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item  and m ade it available to you. Select G rid V iew  or List V iew  to change the rubric's layout. 9/7/2016 Rubric Detail – HRM500016VA016­1166­001 2/4   Unacceptable Below 70%  F Fair 70­79%  C Proficient 80­ 89%  B Exem plary 90­ 100%  A HRM 500­A4­1 1. Propose two (2) m ethods an HR professional could use to determ ine incentive pay. Specify the principal m anner in which the proposed m ethods take into consideration individual, group, and com pany perform ance. Justify your response. W eight: 20% 0 (0%) ­ 41.97 (13.99%) Did not subm it or incom pletely proposed two (2) m ethods an HR professional could use to determ ine incentive pay. Did not subm it or incom pletely specified the principal m anner in which the proposed m ethods take into consideration individual, group, and com pany perform ance. Did not subm it or incom pletely justified your response. 42 (14%) ­ 47.97 (15.99%) Partially proposed two (2) m ethods an HR professional could use to determ ine incentive pay. Partially specified the principal m anner in which the proposed m ethods take into consideration individual, group, and com pany perform ance. Partially justified your response. 48 (16%) ­ 53.97 (17.99%) Satisfactorily proposed two (2) m ethods an HR professional could use to determ ine incentive pay. Satisfactorily specified the principal m anner in which the proposed m ethods take into consideration individual, group, and com pany perform ance. Satisfactorily justified your response. 54 (18%) ­ 60 (20%) Thoroughly proposed two (2) m ethods an HR professional could use to determ ine incentive pay. Thoroughly specified the principal m anner in which the proposed m ethods take into consideration individual, group, and com pany perform ance. Thoroughly justified your response. HRM 500­A4­2 2. Exam ine the core legal requirem ents affecting em ployee benefits in today’s com petitive environm ent. Determ ine the legally m andated benefits that the com pany m ust currently offer to its em ployees. W eight: 15% 0 (0%) ­ 31.47 (10.49%) Did not subm it or incom pletely exam ined the core legal requirem ents affecting em ployee benefits in today’s com petitive environm ent. Did not subm it or incom pletely determ ined the legally m andated benefits that the com pany m ust currently offer to its em ployees. 31.5 (10.5%) ­ 35.97 (11.99%) Partially exam ined the core legal requirem ents affecting em ployee benefits in today’s com petitive environm ent. Partially determ ined the legally m andated benefits that the com pany m ust currently offer to its em ployees. 36 (12%) ­ 40.47 (13.49%) Satisfactorily exam ined the core legal requirem ents affecting em ployee benefits in today’s com petitive environm ent. Partially determ ined the legally m andated benefits that the com pany m ust currently offer to its em ployees. 40.5 (13.5%) ­ 45 (15%) Thoroughly exam ined the core legal requirem ents affecting em ployee benefits in today’s com petitive environm ent. Thoroughly determ ined the legally m andated benefits that the com pany m ust currently offer to its em ployees. Nam e: HRM 500 W eek 10 Assignm ent 4: Recognizing Em ployee Contributions Description: HRM 500 W eek 10 Assignm ent 4: Recognizing Em ployee Contributions Exit Grid View List View 9/7/2016 Rubric Detail – HRM500016VA016­1166­001 3/4 HRM 500­A4­3 3. Recom m end at least four (4) additional benefits that the organization should consider providing to its em ployees. Suggest at least three (3) im portant concepts that a com pany m ust consider when designing benefit plans. Provide a rationale for your response. W eight: 20% 0 (0%) ­ 41.97 (13.99%) Did not subm it or incom pletely recom m ended at least four (4) additional benefits that the organization should consider providing to its em ployees. Did not subm it or incom pletely suggested at least three (3) im portant concepts that a com pany m ust consider when designing benefit plans. Did not subm it or incom pletely provided a rationale for your response. 42 (14%) ­ 47.97 (15.99%) Partially recom m ended at least four (4) additional benefits that the organization should consider providing to its em ployees. Partially suggested at least three (3) im portant concepts that a com pany m ust consider when designing benefit plans. Partially provided a rationale for your response. 48 (16%) ­ 53.97 (17.99%) Satisfactorily recom m ended at least four (4) additional benefits that the organization should consider providing to its em ployees. Satisfactorily suggested at least three (3) im portant concepts that a com pany m ust consider when designing benefit plans. Satisfactorily provided a rationale for your response. 54 (18%) ­ 60 (20%) Thoroughly recom m ended at least four (4) additional benefits that the organization should consider providing to its em ployees. Thoroughly suggested at least three (3) im portant concepts that a com pany m ust consider when designing benefit plans. Thoroughly provided a rationale for your response. HRM 500­A4­4 4. Assess the efficiency of com m on techniques for effectively com m unicating com pensation and benefit plans to em ployees. Support your answer. W eight: 15% 0 (0%) ­ 31.47 (10.49%) Did not subm it or incom pletely assessed the efficiency of com m on techniques for effectively com m unicating com pensation and benefit plans to em ployees. Did not subm it or incom pletely supported your answer. 31.5 (10.5%) ­ 35.97 (11.99%) Partially assessed the efficiency of com m on techniques for effectively com m unicating com pensation and benefit plans to em ployees. Partially supported your answer. 36 (12%) ­ 40.47 (13.49%) Satisfactorily assessed the efficiency of com m on techniques for effectively com m unicating com pensation and benefit plans to em ployees. Satisfactorily supported your answer. 40.5 (13.5%) ­ 45 (15%) Thoroughly assessed the efficiency of com m on techniques for effectively com m unicating com pensation and benefit plans to em ployees. Thoroughly supported your answer. HRM 500­A4­5 5. Suggest two (2) ethical risks of m aking incentive pay a large portion of em ployees’ total com pensation. Propose two (2) recom m endations for ways the com pany m ight m itigate or reduce these risks.  W eight: 15% 0 (0%) ­ 31.47 (10.49%) Did not subm it or incom pletely exam ined two (2) ethical risks of m aking incentive pay a large portion of em ployees’ total com pensation as the HR m anager. Did not subm it or incom pletely proposed two (2) recom m endations for ways the 31.5 (10.5%) ­ 35.97 (11.99%) Partially exam ined two (2) ethical risks of m aking incentive pay a large portion of em ployees’ total com pensation as the HR m anager. Partially proposed two (2) recom m endations for ways the com pany m ight m itigate or 36 (12%) ­ 40.47 (13.49%) Satisfactorily exam ined two (2) ethical risks of m aking incentive pay a large portion of em ployees’ total com pensation as the HR m anager. Satisfactorily proposed two (2) recom m endations for ways the com pany m ight m itigate or 40.5 (13.5%) ­ 45 (15%) Thoroughly exam ined two (2) ethical risks of m aking incentive pay a large portion of em ployees’ total com pensation as the HR m anager. Thoroughly proposed two (2) recom m endations for ways the com pany m ight m itigate or 9/7/2016 Rubric Detail – HRM500016VA016­1166­001 4/4 for ways the com pany m ight m itigate or reduce these risks. m itigate or reduce these risks. m itigate or reduce these risks. m itigate or reduce these risks. HRM 500­A4­6 6. 4 references W eight: 5% 0 (0%) ­ 10.47 (3.49%) No references provided 10.5 (3.5%) ­ 11.97 (3.99%) Does not m eet the required num ber of references; som e or all references poor quality choices. 12 (4%) ­ 13.47 (4.49%) M eets num ber of required references; all references high quality choices. 13.5 (4.5%) ­ 15 (5%) Exceeds num ber of required references; all references high quality choices. HRM 500­A4­7 7. Clarity, writing m echanics, and form atting requirem ents W eight: 10% 0 (0%) ­ 20.97 (6.99%) M ore than 6 errors present 21 (7%) ­ 23.97 (7.99%) 5­6 errors present 24 (8%) ­ 26.97 (8.99%) 3­4 errors present 27 (9%) ­ 30 (10%) 0­2 errors present Nam e:HRM 500 W eek 10 Assignm ent 4: Recognizing Em ployee Contributions Description:HRM 500 W eek 10 Assignm ent 4: Recognizing Em ployee Contributions Exit