Part 1 Watch assigned IMAP videos (There are at least 4 different student videos; Ally, Sean, etc). Transcript of vido is attached Comparing fractions with different denominators is a difficult concep

From the video on Jace

Teacher: Jack went to a birthday party and for dessert they had a large chocolate bar. At Jake’s party there were 5 kids that were going to share that chocolate bar. Now lets say you went to another birthday party and they had the same size chocolate bar they were going to share for dessert. At this party there are 8 kids that’s going to share the chocolate bar. Now who’s going to get more chocolate bar. You or Jake?

Jace: Jake

Teacher: Why is Jake going to get more chocolate bar?

Jace: Because it’s less kids

Teacher: Has Jace to look at 1/8 and 1/5 and asked him which one is greater than or put an equal sign is you think they are the same.

Jace: Circles 1/8 to say that it is greater than 1/5.

Teacher: Why did you choose 1/8?

Jace: Because 5 is less than 8