Last week we had a presentation in class and I have to do a reflection on it. I have all his background and the notes I took from it. I will attach everything you need. Please write the reflexion as i

  • Door by door looking for cleaning job.

  • Going to Ku and working at ups

  • The customer comes first.

  • Beliefs and behaviors working together.

  • Companies really grow when their company’s beliefs are aligned with the market.

  • Delight and serve. (Freddy’s)

Making it a little better than a simple transaction.

  • Interview tips.

Cultural questions.

Let companies know that you understand the company’s culture and that you can align to their culture.

Clean even more than what the contract says to

Form life relationships.

  • Delivering what matters most (UPS)

  • Don’t ask what the job is. Try to do a more interesting and developed question to ask that.

  • The company’s job is to provide you room and opportunity to grow.
    I’m responsible to grow my skills, but what program do you have here to help me do that.

  • Key to being a good manager.

Manage processes.

Things must be done.

  • Making sure that the team understand the goal and they understand their role. (leader/manager)

  • Trust people that are aligned with the goal you have.

  • Learn how to learn