Here are the steps you should take to complete this Leadership Reform Study: 1. Watch the video to learn more about the past history of Cochrane Collegiate Middle School.

EDU 662 Leadership for Assessment and Accountability

Rubric for Leadership Reform Study Paper

Student Name ____________________________________________


Novice 16 pts.

Qualified 23 pts.

Proficient 30 pts.


The paper demonstrates a weak synthesis of
information gleaned from data analysis, knowledge of state and district mandates, recent accountability measures, formative and summative assessments, and current trends in curriculum design.
Leadership actions designed to build and support a learning organization focused on student success and continuous improvement are weakly described. Some evidence of knowledge and skill in the areas of measurement and evaluation are in existence in the paper. The instructional framework selected for this paper is weakly aligned with state standards, student learning needs, and assessments. 

10 pts.

The paper reflects an accurate synthesis of information gleaned from data analysis, knowledge of state and district mandates, recent accountability measures, formative and summative assessments, and current trends in curriculum design to direct leadership actions designed to build and support a learning organization focused on student success and continuous improvement. Evidence of acceptable knowledge and skill in the areas of measurement and evaluation are in existence in the paper and are utilized to support the leadership actions needed to implement an instructional framework aligned with state standards, student learning needs, and assessments

15 pts.

The paper reflects a superior synthesis of information gleaned from data analysis, knowledge of state and district mandates, recent accountability measures, formative and summative assessments, and current trends in curriculum design to direct leadership actions designed to build and support a learning organization focused on student success and continuous improvement. Evidence of deep knowledge and skill in the areas of measurement and evaluation are in existence in the paper and are utilized to support the leadership actions needed to implement an instructional framework aligned with state standards, student learning needs, and assessments.

20 pts

Format and Style

The paper lacks organization and weakly articulates a logical progression of ideas related to the use of high quality assessments to effect change in the P-12 setting. Use of standard written English and proficiency with use of conventions (i.e., grammar, spelling, usage, syntax, and mechanics) needs improvement, and the written components lack conformity with APA style.

6 pts.

Acceptable facility with standard written English, with only minimal errors, is in place. Acceptable evidence of proficiency with use of conventions (i.e., grammar, spelling, usage, syntax, and mechanics) exists, and the written components conform with APA style with minor errors.

8 pts.

The paper is well-organized and articulates a logical progression of ideas related to the use of high quality assessments to effect change in the P-12 setting. Superior, if not perfect, facility with standard written English is in place Strong evidence of proficiency with use of conventions (i.e., grammar, spelling, usage, syntax, and mechanics) exists, and the written components conform consistently with APA style.

10 pts.

Total Pts.
