Discourse Community Materials please do not use chatgpt or AI and write in a basic English like sample Purpose of the Assignment: To collect materials from the discourse community we are analyzing and

Kameron KandollFeb 19, 2024 at 12:02 PM1. What are some challenges people can go through when trying to participate in a discourse community?2. How do discourse communities influence the way people communicate, collaborate, and share their knowledge during their shared field?SummaryA discourse community is a genre or a group that has the same interests as you. It can be a group that is willing to come together to help others learn the community. They share common goals and interests as a way of communicating a certain type of field or subject. The group can consist of many subjects such as academic knowledge or social movements. My Discourse CommunitiesA discourse community that I know I belong to is a group that was created on Instagram that helps people come together to work on themselves. I would think that this community is an online community. In the beginning of the reading it talks about how the writer wanted to learn how to play the guitar but didn't know where to start. They found this online group that comes together to share the same goals and interests. This text alone reminded me of the group that I'm in. Awhile ago, I was struggling to keep myself together and I didn't know how to pick myself back up after being in a funk. Potentially, I found this group that my friend was in that has a group full of people who come together, talk about certain goals and motivations, and how you can better yourself in the best way. I found this group to be very open and trusting which was something difficult to find these days. "The guitar jam group had shared goals that we all agreed on." (Melzer 102). I find this similar to my group as we all have a same goal. Helping each other and accepting the fact that everything isn't going to go your way. I've been in this group for a little over six months now and it has helped me grow into the person I have always strived to be. Oceanna ValentineFeb 19, 2024 at 8:05 PMQuestions about the reading:1) Since there are so many modern-day discourse communities such as playing video games with people online, going to a gym class, or even taking college online with fellow students, how many communities could someone possibly be apart of?2) For certain discourse groups or communities, I wonder how often the members are skeptical about new people joining, or if there is some sort of experience or personality one must meet in order to join. Would this be considered discriminatory or if there are certain rules one must meet, would it be considered rude if the members don't allow someone to join since the members are the ones who control the community in the first place? I think a discourse community is a group of like-minded people who come together in any shape, way, or form that communicate in such a way that meets certain goals of their choosing. In other words, I think a discourse community stands apart from just a normal community since their goals are more of a group effort rather than only the leaders or main members making decisions. In the reading, "Understanding Discourse Communities" by Dan Melzer, he explains thoroughly what a discourse community is and what it looks like with his example of when he was apart of a guitar jam group where they would discuss music and play music together. After having read this, I am now aware that I, too, have an example of a discourse community that I am apart of. Since I am taking classes for accounting and everything to do with business, I have joined a community of like-minded students who have formed together to make a discussion board about the struggles of accounting. I feel this is a discourse community as it has "a threshold level of expert members" as well as "a broadly agreed upon set of common public goals", such as helping each other with accounting questions or chats about classes and homework related to accounting and business (Melzer 102). Because this discourse community has "one or more genres that help further (our) goals", I feel this, too, demonstrates that this is a great example, as our two genres are both accounting and business related (Melzer 102). Along with having multiple levels of expert member, this means that there is certain lingo or "a specific lexis (specialized language)" that we all share and communicate with such as the use of COGS (Cost Of Goods Sold), what debits and credits mean, the use of t-accounts and so forth (Melzer 102). Since every member of our discussion board has at least taken Accounting 101, where we all decided to start this community, everyone is aware of the specific lexis used, because we are all intermediate to expert level on the subject. And finally, because this discourse community is all online, or sometimes some of us share classes, we use "mechanisms of intercommunication among members" to discuss on the topic of working through the struggles we have about accounting related questions or the topic of business (Melzer 102). As we intercommunicate, our community ranges from taking photos of our t-accounts or journal and general ledgers, to simply writing out questions to ask for assistance to meet our goal as a community to help everyone understand the material they are given. Amanda Lowney WellsFeb 19, 2024 at 8:34 PMCritical Questions: ●What are some ways that you can learn about a Discourse Community that you were recently accepted into?●Dan Melzer writes that “Researchers who study college writing have discovered that most students struggle with writing when they first enter the discourse community of their chosen major” (110). If this is true why isn’t this talked about in classes? Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to students if their professors talked about this? Summary: A discourse community is a group of like-minded individuals who share the same goals, beliefs, or basic values. My Discourse Community: If I am being completely honest, I am not even sure how to answer this question. Prior to reading this text by Dan Melzer I hadn’t ever given much thought to the different groups that I am apart of. For example, this class is a discourse community. “Each of these academic fields had their own goals, their own genres, their own expectations for writing style. I thought that each of the teachers I encountered in my undergraduate career just had their own personal preferences that all felt pretty random to me” (Melzer 106). This is pretty much how I felt at the beginning of the quarter as the genres are so vastly different between this class and my paralegal writing class. As time has gone on, I have started to understand the differences in specific lexis in my classes and this reading assignment definitely provided more clarity.As for this specific assignment I have decided to focus on academic discourse communities. I honestly don’t know how this is going to work out as I am brand-new to the community but I am going to give it the old college try!At the end of the fall quarter, I received an email letting me know that I had made the deans list as my grade point average was a 4.0. I thought this awesome and then went about my life. I then received an invitation to join Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society. TCC’s chapter is Chi Gamma and I am excited to go down this rabbit hole and find out all that I can. From everything I have read that has been sent to me by PTK as well as the e-mails I have received from my chapter I have learned that the Chi Gamma Chapter is one of the most active chapters of PTK. I have been invited into a society that I share the same core values with and I am looking forward to diving deeper into this to not only learn all I can but to get involved.Just a reminder Here is a website that shows how to cite Canvas materials in MLA 9 style. Scroll down to the section on "Class Materials" and choose the third of the three examples (the one for the Robert Frost source). This one shows how to cite an article provided within a Canvas course pack, such as the one I've created and provided for our English 101 class. You'd just need to follow that example and fill in the appropriate information for our material/class.https://libguides.mendocino.edu/c.php?g=1170719&p=8552243