I question in the doucment need to be answered by JMP software and than transfer to Excel https://www.mediafire.com/file/eb2ftxhfwogvnev/HRDataset_v14_%25284%2529.xlsx/file https://www.mediafire.co

Project 1: Descriptive Statistics

Objective: Leverage descriptive statistics and visualizations to tell a story about the workforce

Dataset: HR Dataset

Assignment: Answer the following questions and explain how you derived at the answer:
  • What is the most common position among the employees?

  • What is the gender representation of active employees?

  • What is the distribution of marital statuses among the active employees?

  • How many employees are U.S. citizens and how many are not?

  • How many employees identify as Hispanic or Latino?

  • What is the racial diversity among the employees?

  • What is the average length of employment (in years) for the employees?

  • What is the turnover rate of employees?

  • How many employees work in each department?

  • How many employees does each manager have?

  • What are the recruitment sources used to hire employees and what is the distribution of sources?

  • What is the distribution of performance among active employees?

  • Which positions have the most variation in pay?

Populate the following table and provide an insight for each attribute:








Std Deviation





Emp Satisfaction


Tenure or active employees

Tenure of terminated employees

Create a dashboard:

Based on the information you learned about the workforce in this dataset from the questions above or from further exploration, create a dashboard within PPT to tell an interesting story about the workforce.

  • Must contain at least 4 visuals using principles you learned from Storytelling with Data to tell the story

  • Within the notes section of PPT:

    • Describe why you used the visuals you chose (highlight any usage of Gestalt Visual Principles)

    • Provide a written descriptive story you are conveying with the visuals

    • Provide calculation information for any formulas included (e.g. if calculating a turnover rate, provide the calculation used)