these are the links that will be used for this project: there are two attached files as well. Descr

Blake 4

Bill Blake

Professor Richardson

ENGL 101

March 1, 2021

Lost Innocence: A Review of James Joyce’s “Araby ”

B orn in Dublin, Ireland in 1882, James Joyce is widely considered one of the most important writers of the twentieth century. Before his ground-breaking novels, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Ulysses, and Finnegan’s Wake, his first published work was a collection of short stories titled Dubliners (1914). Among the famous stories in Dubliners is “Araby,” a . . .

the intro would continue through a clear, evaluative, thesis…

The essay then continues with IQE structured body-paragraphs:

Joyce employs vivid similes throughout “Araby”; sometimes, more than one per sentence. For example, when walking through a noisy market with his aunt, the narrator daydreams about the girl he’s fallen in love with, telling himself “my body was like a harp and her words and gestures were like fingers running upon the wires” (Joyce). Only referred to as Mangan’s sister, she is a few years older, and although the narrator’s feelings are deep, it is clear she doesn’t return his affection. Nevertheless, in his mind he is transformed into a harp and Mangan’s sister’s every word and gesture affect him as physically as fingers plucking and strumming the strings of a harp.

….and now you continue your body paragraphs until the conclusion…

Assume this is the last line of your conclusion.

Insert a Page Break, or space down to begin a new page:

Works Cited

Jauss, David. On Writing Fiction. Writer’s Digest Books, 2011.

Joyce, James. “Araby.” The Literature Network. Accessed March 1, 2021.

Salma, Umme. “Orientalism in James Joyce’s ‘Araby.’” Research on Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 2, No. 2, 2012. Accessed March 2, 2021.

MLA formatted Works Cited (aka References, Bibliography).

Double-spaced like the rest of the essay. Note, entries are not numbered but are listed alphabetically by author’s last name and are formatted using hanging-indent format. You can create this in Microsoft Word by selecting the “Paragraph” tool under “Format” in the toolbar. “Works Cited” is in plain text, not bold/underline/italics. Entries are not numbered.

See Purdue’s OWL for more information on MLA formatting Works Cited: