AFFOU Peer Review Writing Across Disciplines Assignment44 unread replies.44 replies. Purpose of the Assignment: To receive feedback from classmates on a late stage draft of the final paper. To continu

Queen 1

Tristen Queen

Professor Monk

English 101

27 February 2024

Discourse Community Draft #1

Far more frequently than commonly acknowledged, individuals find themselves nestled within a discourse community, whether among friends, colleagues, or mere acquaintances. Personally, I find myself ensconced within a discourse community comprised of friends. In his work, Swales delineates six defining characteristics of a discourse community. In this preliminary exploration, I shall delve into one of these characteristics in greater detail.

A defining trait of a discourse community is its shared goals, a notion that resonates deeply within the fabric of our group. Our collective aspirations coalesce around various objectives: the pursuit of enjoyment, the cultivation of camaraderie, the enhancement of our spiritual journeys, mutual support through life's trials and tribulations, and the simple yet profound desire to evoke laughter in one another. While some discourse communities may appear daunting or overpowering, the essence lies in discovering one that aligns harmoniously with your comfort level, interests, beliefs, and pastimes.

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