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11 MARCH 2024

Direct Quote Assignment (5%)

General Questions

Chosen Essay topic: Should electric cars entirely replace fuel cars?

Tentative thesis statement containing 3 reasons for belief: Electric cars has environment benefits, lower maintenance and repair cost and receive tax credits.

Prompts for BP1

Provide Direct Quote 1 with in-text citation: . “Electric vehicle technology has the

advantage that it produces no air pollution at the point of use, so that if the electricity is generated in a distant place, electric cars are a means of switching the location of environmental discharges. A large crowded city such as Los Angeles or New York has large amounts of discharges, even if care is taken to protect the environment, because the millions of gasoline-powered vehicles in such cities emit large quantities of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds. Electric vehicle technology can move emissions to less crowded and less polluted locations”( Lester et al. 943)

Relevance of Direct Quote 1 to my Essay:

This direct quote contains evidence that electric cars has less emission to environment and can help to reduce air pollution especially in crowded cities.

Provide the Works Cited entry below. Remember, you may use the Cite button from the Database.

Lave, Lester B., et al. “Environmental Implications of Electric Cars.” Science, vol. 268, no. 5213, 1995, pp. 993–95. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/2888865. Accessed 11 Mar. 2024.

Prompts for BP2

Provide Direct Quote 2 with in-text citation:

“EVs also save drivers money through lower maintenance costs. Although EVs are an advanced technology, they are remarkably simple to maintain because they have fewer moving parts than conventional gasoline-powered vehicles. EV drivers never have to worry about changing the oil, for example. And EV brake pads require less periodic maintenance because drivers use them less often, thanks to regenerative braking, which slows the vehicle while producing electricity”. (Union of Concerned Scientists 2)

Relevance of Direct Quote 2 to my Essay:

This direct quote contains evidence that electric cars has less maintenance and repair cost then gasoline cars such as oil change or repair brake pads so it saves money as well.

Provide the Works Cited entry below. Remember, you may use the Cite button from the Database.

Union of Concerned Scientists. Electric Vehicles and Georgia: The Many Benefits of Driving on Electricity. Union of Concerned Scientists, 2015. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep17277. Accessed 11 Mar. 2024.

Prompts for BP3

Provide Direct Quote 3 with in-text citation:

“Offsetting EV purchase prices through incentives such as the$7,500 federal tax credit and additional state tax credits have helped stimulate the markets for EVs across the country. In California, for example, more than 3 percent of new vehicle registrations were plug-in hybrid and battery-electric vehicles in 2014”(Nealer et al.28)

Relevance of Direct Quote 3 to my Essay:

This direct quote contains evidence that purchasing electric cars get tax credit as federal government promotes buying EVs and gives tax rebates.

Provide the Works Cited entry below. Remember, you may use the Cite button from the Database.

Nealer, Rachael, et al. “How Federal Policies Could Increase the Benefits of Electric Vehicles.” Cleaner Cars from Cradle to Grave: How Electric Cars Beat Gasoline Cars on Lifetime Global Warming Emissions, Union of Concerned Scientists, 2015, pp. 25–29. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep17225.9. Accessed 11 Mar. 2024.