This assessment requires students to adopt the position of marketing consultants and conduct a service firm audit for a local business.

A ssessment Inf ormation C OMMON W EA LTH OF AU STR AL I A C o p yr i g h t R eg u l ati on s 1969 This m at erial has been reproduc ed and c om m unic at ed to y ou by or on behalf of Kaplan Bus ines s Sc hool purs uant to Part VB of t he C opy right Ac t 1968 (‘Ac t ’). The m at erial in t his c om m unic at ion m ay be s ubjec t to c opy right under t he Ac t . Any f urt her reproduc t ion or c om m unic at ion of t his m at erial by y ou m ay be t he s ubjec t of c opy right prot ec t ion under t he Ac t . Kaplan Bus ines s Sc hool is a part of Kaplan I nc . , a leading global prov ider of educ at ional s erv ic es . Kaplan Bus ines s Sc hool Pt y Lt d ABN 86 098 181 947 is a regis t ered higher educ at ion prov ider C R I C OS Prov ider C ode 02426B. Assessment Information Subject Code: MKT203 Subject Name: Services Marketing Assessment Title: Service Firm Audit (Group of 3 students) Weighting: 20% Total Marks: 20 Due Date: 18 /09/16 – 11.59pm AEST online submission Assessment Description Assessment 1 : Service Firm Audit Weighting: 20% Length: 2500 -3000 words approximately Due: Week 09 Description: This assessment requires students to adopt the position of marketing consultants and conduct a service firm audit for a local business. Students are to work wi thin groups of no more than three students. Students are to apply Marketing and Services Marketing theory as well as concepts learnt in class to the analysis of a selected business and then to make recommendations for areas that require improvement. The aim is to conduct an in -depth investigation and analysis of the organisation’s service marketing mix (7 P’s) highlighting areas that it excels in (i.e., compared to its key competitors) and areas that may need improvement. Where applicable, you are to provide appropriate recommendations. It is very important that you do not confuse customer service with services marketing. Your lecturer will provide more details during the tutorials to assist with this assessment. Working in groups: Group assessments are a great tool for learning and are used in top universities around the world. Some of the major benefi ts of group assessments are as follows:  Promotes communication skills.  Promotes and rewards teamwork and collaboration.  Promotes project management skills and interdependence.  Emphasises the need for accountability.  Becoming work ready. For a number of reasons group work may not work well. If this happen within your group you should raise this issue with your Lecturer as early as possible so that steps may be taken to resolve the issue or issues. Please note students may not pass a group assessment if th ere is insufficient contribution. Feedback: Comments and a mark will be returned to you within two weeks of submission. Below is a marking guide, which will be used to provide you with your grade and summary feedback. C OMMON W EA LTH OF AU STR AL I A C o p yr i g h t R eg u l ati o n s 1969 This m at erial has been reproduc ed and c om m unic at ed to y ou by or on behalf of Kaplan Bus ines s Sc hool purs uant to Part VB of t he C opy right Ac t 1968 (‘Ac t ’). The m at erial in t his c om m unic at ion m ay be s ubjec t to c opy right under t he Ac t . Any f urt her reproduc t ion or c om m unic at ion of t his m at erial by y ou m ay be t he s ubjec t of c opy right prot ec t ion under t he Ac t . Kaplan Bus ines s Sc hool is a part of Kaplan I nc . , a leading global prov ider of educ at ional s erv ic es . Kaplan Bus ines s Sc hool Pt y Lt d ABN 86 098 181 947 is a regis t ered higher educ at ion prov ider C R I C OS Prov ider C ode 02426B. As sessment M arking Rubric : Assessment 2 M KT 203 Student Names & ID: …………………………………………………………… Criteria HD (High Distinction) 85% -100% DN (Distinction) 75% -84% CR (Credit) 74% -65% P (Pass) 50% -64% NN (Fail) 0% -49% Demonstrated exceptionally Demonstrated very w ell Demonstrated clearly Demonstrated in some areas Not demonstrated Score Executive Summary: (3 Marks ) Introduc tion: (2 Marks ) Analysis of the marketing mix : (9 marks) Level of i nforma ti on a nd res ea rch Depth of a na l ys i s Rel eva nce of i nforma ti on provi ded Appl i ca ti on of rel eva nt s ervi ce ma rketi ng theory a nd concepts I denti fi ca ti on of key a rea (s ) for s ervi ce qua l i ty i mprovement(s ) Recommendations: (3 marks) Level of deta i l Logi ca l l i nk between a na l ys is , fi ndings a nd recommenda ti ons Report Presentation: (3 marks) Profes s i ona l report forma t / s tructure Cl a ri ty of expres s i ons (s pel ling / gra mma r) Us e of Ha rva rd referenci ng s ys tem Comments: Assignment Mark/Grade: Total score C OMMON W EA LTH OF AU STR AL I A C o p yr i g h t R eg u l ati o n s 1969 This m at erial has been reproduc ed and c om m unic at ed to y ou by or on behalf of Kaplan Bus ines s Sc hool purs uant to Part VB of t he C opy right Ac t 1968 (‘Ac t ’). The m at erial in t his c om m unic at ion m ay be s ubjec t to c opy right under t he Ac t . Any f urt her reproduc t ion or c om m unic at ion of t his m at erial by y ou m ay be t he s ubjec t of c opy right prot ec t ion under t he Ac t . Kaplan Bus ines s Sc hool is a part of Kaplan I nc . , a leading global prov ider of educ at ional s erv ic es . Kaplan Bus ines s Sc hool Pt y Lt d ABN 86 098 181 947 is a regis t ered higher educ at ion prov ider C R I C OS Prov ider C ode 02426B.