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Analyzing Alvarez’s paper


University of Texas at Tyler


Introduction Analysis

Alvarez's introduction effectively orients readers to the paper by addressing key elements. She introduces the topic of influential advertising, specifically focusing on Dove's use of rhetorical elements in commercials and social media. By doing so, she sets the stage for discussing the impact and effectiveness of advertising strategies employed by Dove. Alvarez introduces the research question by exploring how Dove utilizes rhetorical elements to convey its message. She emphasizes the importance of understanding these strategies in the context of advertising and media culture, indicating the relevance of her analysis. The introduction provides a clear main idea: to analyze Dove's advertising strategies through the lens of rhetorical elements. This clarity helps readers understand the purpose and direction of the paper from the outset.

Alvarez effectively defines her audience as individuals interested in advertising, marketing, or media studies. By targeting first-year university students, she ensures that her analysis is accessible and relevant to her intended readership. Alvarez establishes common ground by assuming a basic understanding of advertising principles and rhetorical concepts among her audience. This assumption allows her to delve deeper into her analysis without over explaining fundamental concepts. Background information is provided to contextualize Dove's advertising campaigns and the significance of rhetorical elements within them. Alvarez also outlines the scope of the paper, indicating that she will focus specifically on Dove's strategies rather than providing a comprehensive analysis of advertising as a whole. Lastly, Alvarez provides a map of the paper by outlining the main sections or points she will address, giving readers a clear roadmap of what to expect in the subsequent sections. Alvarez's introduction effectively engages readers, presents a clear thesis, and establishes the groundwork for her analysis of Dove's advertising strategies.

Literature Review Analysis

The effectiveness of a literature review lies in its ability to establish a robust foundation of relevant research to explore the research question(s) comprehensively. Let's assess Paulina Alvarez's literature review based on the provided strategies: Alvarez begins by clearly delineating the focus of her literature review, which revolves around the influential advertising strategies employed by Dove. She outlines her intention to analyze Dove's use of rhetorical elements in commercials and social media, thereby setting a specific thematic direction for the review. The report has a cogent structure where Dove's advertising strategies are the basis for the classification of sources which are relevant according to the issues. She merges all protographic articles about verbal, advertising and social media promotion techniques guiding to a coherent and concise flow of ideas that respond to the aim of the paper.

Alvarez applies knowledge she has gained from the research work to present innovative analysis that gives weight and independence to her established writing style. Students will be able to understand all the complex concepts in the relatable way without resistance to the research integrity because she is ready to break down complex findings in a non-academic way. Alvarez conveys competency in extractions as well as formation of key points from the target references. She explains at length the most important and complex parts of research in an understandable and straightforward way focusing on the aspects which are related to choosing the right advertising strategy (Alvarez, 2022). Much more often she shows preference to paraphrasing, Alvarez uses effective way of including exact phrases from studies to establish direct evidence and lending support to her lines of reasoning. She finely selects these quotes and cleverly places them with her own thoughts to add authenticity to her arguments. Alvarez is by no means lacking in this area, and she starts by reviewing current sources in her descriptive part to make sure that the research she cites is up to date and focuses on currently prevailing advertising and rhetorics. She convinces the reader of the freshness and up- to- dateness of her argument by including recent publications.

Methods Section Analysis

Alvarez took care of all the major deatils, while the process of data collection and analysis which is based on the research approach in this way is transparent and reliable in her methods part. Here's an analysis of how she achieves this:Here's an analysis of how she achieves this: He nicely lays down the tools of the trade such as the sampling methodology, data processing and analysis. For example, she says that she will use content analysis, for instance, of Dove's advertisement materials, such as marketing channels or posts on their social networks. She discusses the other method as a qualitative analysis by consumer response to these advertisements through answering the questions and focus groups. Alvarez combines the presentation of fundaments of her research approach with the reporting on statistics collection and processing into a read-friendly form.

Alvarez argues the appropriateness of the sample and data analysis tools by explaining how well they constitute the center of her research inquiries. Adams contends that the content analysis flows in a systematic way when looking for rhetorical elements in Dove adverts, while the qualitative methods go deep to understand consumer perception and reactions. Each of these methods therefore corresponds with her research objective, which leads to a better overall validity and rigor of her approach. Alvarez specializes herself as being aware of the methodological practices by expressing how the her own methods are applicable to the whole research in communication field. She gives a great deal of attention to the structured quantitative evaluation of the content and the deep qualitative data analysis (like coding and thematic analysis). Alvarez achieves precision and authenticity through her portrayal of subject’s dedication to the discipline’s standards.

In the stage, she realizes that her research operations can be unsuccessful in different aspects besides the challenges. For example, a biased consumer response to surveys and focus group results could certainly be expected and would definitely compromise the consistency of qualitative information. She admits that content analysis has its measure of decisional latitude as well as some risk for the researcher who might be subjective in interpreting persuasive features. Outlining these issues upfront, Alvarez shows delegation and reflexivity, being one of the most important research process’ principles. Alvarez offers additional justifications for her research methods by highlighting their advantages in capturing diverse perspectives and generating rich qualitative data (Alvarez, 2022). She argues that the combination of content analysis and qualitative research allows for a comprehensive understanding of Dove's advertising strategies and their impact on consumers. This emphasis on methodological complementarity strengthens the robustness of her research design. Alvarez maintains focus on essential methodological details without delving into unnecessary minutiae. She provides sufficient information to understand the data collection and analysis process without overwhelming readers with extraneous details. This conciseness enhances the clarity and readability of her methods section.

Results and Discussion Section Analysis

In Alvarez's work, the results and discussion parts are her arguments when she makes her signatures and discusses the significance of the outcomes with current research. Let's analyze the effectiveness of these sections in fulfilling the outlined criteria: Through this Alvarez skillfully restates the query at the initial stage of the result section, allowing the users to know the pulses of the work. The researcher accomplishes this task by revisiting the questions she raised earlier in the process in order to ensure that the results are interpreted with the right context. Results of the entire research area are well-organized, whereby Alvarez listed out the findings in a systematic manner. She keeps the verbs in past tense, a pattern of construction which helps in a definite presentation of the methods applied and the results of the test. Major discoveries are emphasized as importantly along the line in order to inspire readers for the most meaningful findings.

Alvarez succeeds to bring visual elements into the picture that support the data narrative: charts, graphs, and other forms are tools he uses to ameliorate communication. These images do not just add up to results accessibility, but are also effective in sensitizing the viewer on the complex information. This approach makes comprehension easier, it helps Alvarez add accounting to her arguments in this storytelling style. In the last part of the discussion of results, Alvarez address salient distinctions that is, he offer a short summary of main observations. The group of sentences which were mentioned earlier fulfills the role of a link between the discussion section and its elaborate depiction of the results' implications and outcomes (Alvarez, 2022). As the discussion section of Alvarez's paper draws to a close, the author is able to explore and illustrate the meaning of the findings in a clear and concise manner. She explains the outcomes of the study and its relevance to the existing knowledge of the topic by identifying its implications for the practice as well as policy-makers. Through interpretation of the meaning of the data, Alvarez enhances the range of her argument and shows the connection between her work to the big picture.

Alvarez utilizes past tense to depict the outcomes acquired from the review and current state to talk about their continuous importance. This worldly qualification assists readers with understanding the development of the exploration interaction and the getting through experiences presented by the discoveries. Alvarez successfully associates her discoveries to earlier research in the conversation segment, exhibiting a nuanced comprehension of the current writing. She recognizes areas of understanding, development, or deviation from past investigations, arranging her examination inside the more extensive academic discussion. Alvarez candidly discusses the limitations of her study and suggests potential avenues for future research. By acknowledging constraints and proposing areas for further investigation, she contributes to the ongoing development of knowledge in the field.

Conclusion Analysis

In Alvarez's conclusion, she effectively wraps up the paper by providing readers with a clear takeaway and contextualizing the significance of her research. Here's an analysis of the conclusion based on the outlined strategies: Alvarez succinctly addresses the broader significance of her findings, emphasizing their relevance to the field of advertising and rhetoric. She underscores the implications of her research, highlighting why her study matters in the larger context of academic discourse and practical application. Alvarez skillfully revisits key elements introduced in the paper's introduction, reinforcing connections between the initial framing of the topic and the subsequent exploration of research questions. This circular structure enhances coherence and reinforces the paper's thematic consistency.

The conclusion synthesizes the main points discussed throughout the paper, offering a concise recapitulation of key findings and arguments. Alvarez integrates these points into a cohesive narrative, ensuring that readers grasp the central contributions of her research. Alvarez concludes by suggesting avenues for future research, identifying unresolved questions and areas warranting further investigation. This forward-looking perspective encourages scholarly engagement and underscores the dynamism of the research field. Alvarez contextualizes her research within broader academic and practical contexts, elucidating its relevance to advertising discourse and rhetorical analysis. She articulates how her findings contribute to existing knowledge and shape ongoing conversations within the field.


Alvarez, P. (2022). Influential advertising: Dove and its use of rhetorical elements in commercials and social media. Xchanges, 12.2/13.1. Retrieved from