INCLUDE THIS INFORMATION BELOW & I Also provided in the files my previous work from learning unit 1—3 please use it for the Reflection name:Esteban tankou Kevin institution:university of Texa

Rhetorical Analysis 1 Learning Unit #2 Map For this Learning Unit (LU) you will read about academic writing strategies and use those strategies to analyze a text. Purpose/Rationale A common belief about writing is that some people are born with an ability to write and some are not. Everyone in the class has probably had unpleasant academic writing experiences. After a few of those experiences, we tell ourselves that we received poor grades because we are not natural writers. While it may be difficult to believe, talent is largely overrated. What people call talent is the result of focused work on improving one’s knowledge and skills. (see Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertis e by Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool.) Prior negative experiences aside, effective writing is not due to luck or talent. Effective writing stems from knowledge of rhetorical strategies and skill in applying those strategies. Knowledge can be increased; skills can be improved. To build knowledge of rhetorical strategies, we will use readily available online sources.

Becoming familiar with those sources, and learning how to use them effectively, will be useful to you in college. To improve skill in applying rhetorical strategies, we will analyze a paper written by a first -year college student. While we won’t interact with the author of the text, this assignment is an analytical approach to peer review. As you may know, the typical peer - review feedback is: “Your paper has good flow” or “Your paper sounds good.” This superficial feedback does not provide the author with ideas for revision, nor does it give the reviewer practice in applying knowledge of rhetorical strategies. Writing a thorough rhetorical analysis of a student paper will improve your peer review skills. Text for the Analysis "Influential Advertising: Dove and Its Use of Rhetorical Elements in Commercials and Social Media" by Paulina Alvarez (in Canvas) Rhetorical Goal An analysis that is thorough, well -supported, and well -written. Length At least 1,800 words Audience First -year university students Rhetorical Analysis 2 Writing the Analysis We will sequentially analyze Alvarez’s paper as detailed below. We will write the introduction and conclusion to your paper last. Alvarez’s Introduction Read the “ Introductions for Academic Essays ” handout from the Miami University (OH) Howe Center for Writing Excellence. In addition to the three bullet points in the handout on “What Should an Introduction Do,” strategies for introductions include: • Define an audience — who will benefit from reading the text • Establish common ground — knowledge and values the audience has in common • Provide background information — information the audience will need to understand the text: state context, define key terms, explain key concepts, refer to key prior research • Establish scope — the specific aspect of a broader question or area that the paper covers • Provide a map — a list of the main points or sections in the paper in order Read Alvarez’s introduction. As you read her introduction, use the Writing Checklist (On page 5 of this document ) to identify the strategies Alvarez uses. Then, use the comment feature in Word to analyze Alvarez’s introduction. In your comments, briefly state which specific introduction strategies Alvarez used and how effective she was. Keep in mind that Alvarez may have used the same strategy in multiple paragraphs. If you find sentences that employ a strategy not listed in the Writing Checklist, comment o n those sentences by identifying what Alvarez is doing and why she did it. Alvarez’s Literature Review Read the “ Literature Reviews ” handout from the UNC Chapel Hill Writing Center. Use information in that handout to add to the Writing Checklist: one or two overall questions for evaluating literature reviews and a list of literature review strategies.

Focus on strategies used in writi ng literature reviews not on questions to look for in assignment prompts. Use your overall questions and list of strategies to analyze Alvarez’s Literature Review. Alvarez’s Methods Section Read the “Definition,” “Importance of a Good Methodology Section,” “Content” and the “Problems to Avoid” sections in “ The Methodology ” chapter in the “Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper” handout from the USC Libraries. Follow the same process used in analyzing Alvarez’s Literature Review. Alvarez’s Results and Discussion Section Read the “ The Results ” and “ The Discussion ” chapters in the “Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper” handout from the USC Libraries. As you can see, Alvarez combined her results and discussion into one section. So, draw on both chapters in your analysis. Otherwise, follow the same process used in analyzing Alvarez’s Literature Review. Rhetorical Analysis 3 Alvarez’s Conclusion Read the “ Conclusions ” handout from the UNC Chapel Hill Writing Center. Follow the same process used in analyzing Alvarez’s Literature Review. Your Introduction and Conclusion Use the strategies in the Introduction and Conclusion sections of the Writing Checklist to write your introduction and conclusion. Rhetorical Analysis 4 Format for Body Sections It may take more than one paragraph to analyze some sections of Alvarez’s paper.

Whether in one, or more than one paragraph, use the below format to write your analysis of each section of Alvarez’s paper. Topic Sentence: Make a general claim about the effectiveness of the section. Body: Using your comments on Alvarez’s paper and information from sources, analyze what Alvarez does and does not do and the effect on readers. Use and cite information from sources to support your analysis. Conclusion: Based on your analysis, evaluate each section using the overall questions on the Writing Checklist for that section. Rhetorical Analysis 5 Writing Checklist Below you will find suggestions for each of the sections of your paper. You do not have to include everything in the list, however, consider each element carefully and be sure to survey the additional resources to ensure you have correctly identified the elements . Introduction Strategies How effectively does the introduction orient readers to the paper? What impression of the writer does the introduction create?  Introduce the topic  Introduce the research question and its importance  Introduce the main idea, argument, and/or answer  Define an audience  Establish common ground  Provide background information  Establish the scope of the paper  Provide a map of the paper Source: “Introductions for Academic Essays” Literature Review Strategies How effectively does the literature review establish a solid foundation of relevant research to explore the research question(s)?  State a focus or theme  Organize sources logically  Paraphrase information from sources in the student’s voice  Summarize and synthesize key information from source  Use quotes strategically  Use current sources Source: “Literature Reviews” Methods Section Strategies How effectively does the methods section answer these questions: “How was the data collected or generated? And, how was it analyzed?”  State the specific data collection and data analysis methods  Discuss why the collection and analysis methods are appropriate for the researchquestion(s)  Discuss how the methods adhered to field or other standards  Discuss potential problems and limitations that were anticipated and problems and limitations that arose and how those problems and limitations were dealt with Rhetorical Analysis 6  Provide other useful additional justifications and rationales as needed  Avoid unnecessary details  Cite sources as needed Source: “Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper” Results and Discussion Sections Strategies How effectively does the results section focus on and present key findings? How effectively does the discussion section discuss the significance of the findings in relationship to prior research?  Restate the research question(s) to provide context for the results  Present results systematically and highlights key results — using past tense  Present data in visual format as appropriate  Provide a synthesis of key findings as a wrap -up for results  Explains the significance of the results clearly and concisely  Use past and present tense correctly to explain significance of the results  Connect to previous research  Discuss limitations and areas for future research Sources: “The Results” and “The Discussion” Conclusion Strategies How effectively does the conclusion wrap -up the paper and provide readers a takeaway?  Discuss an overall so what  Circle back to the introduction  Synthesize main points  Provide a course of action, solution to an issue, or questions for future study  Discuss how the information in the paper fits into a larger context Source: “Conclusions” Citation Requirement  All sources are cited correctly in a recognizable style in -text and in Works Cited or References