Human Resource Assignment

Week 3: Resources and Exploring NLRA Implications and Labor Laws

  • Due by the end of Week 3 at 11:59 pm, ET.

You will identify your resources, research labor laws, and NLRA implications, and work on your introduction. Using an APA formatted Word document, complete the following:

  • Identify and add the four references you will use to complete the project.

    • Utilize Bryant and Stratton’s virtual library to identify at least four (4) scholarly resources. Your sources can be, but are not limited to, case studies, articles, discussions, or reputable internet research. Once you solidify your resources, create an APA-formatted reference page.

  • Conduct an analysis of the NLRA and its specific provisions related to unionization efforts.

    • Highlight the legal requirements and obligations of employers and employees during the unionization process and explain how the NLRA affects employees' rights and the restrictions placed on employers.

  • Provide examples and research to illustrate the practical implications of the NLRA.