PEER REVIEW I have attached the review sheet to make it easy or you can do word document if you want. student 1(grant project)

File → Make a c op y or Do wnload as t o cr ea te a v er sion of this w ork shee t y ou c an edit Annot ated Bibliogr aphy P eer R evie w W ork shee t Y our Name: W rit er’s Name: 1. Check the f orma tting of the documen t. Ar e the mar gins, spacing , inden ta tions, c apit alizations, f on t, headings, e tc. c onsis ten t with pr oper MLA f orma t? Please not e an y mis tak es tha t need t o be addr essed in r e vision. 2. Is each sour ce cit ed c orr ectly in MLA s tyle (acc ording t o y our kno wledg e)? Please not e specific sour ce cit ations tha t need a tt en tion. 3. Iden tify the r equir ed sour ces in the dr aft. ● Wha t ar e the thr ee scholarly sour ces? ● Wha t is/ are the g o vernmen t sour ces?

File → Make a c op y or Do wnload as t o cr ea te a v er sion of this w ork shee t y ou c an edit ● Wha t is/ are the per sonal in ter vie w or nonpr ofit sour ces? 4. Does each annot ation c on tain a summar y of its sour ce? Do the summaries giv e y ou a clear idea of wha t each sour ce is about? Please not e specific annot ations wher e the summaries ma y need t o be leng thened, short ened, or clarified. 5. Brie fly lis t/describe wha t ar eas of CRAAP (curr ency, r ele vancy , authority , accur acy, purpose) ar e utiliz ed in each annot ation. Not e which sour ces ar e missing e valua tions. 6. Shar e tw o s tr eng ths of this dr aft and tw o w ays the writ er c ould impr ove this dr aft.