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Nochiami Traore

Instructor Men

English 102

May 13th 2024

Food Insecurity Annotated Bibliography

Barnidge, E., Stenmark, S., & Seligman, H. (2017). Clinic-to-community models to address food insecurity. JAMA pediatrics171(6), 507-508.(<--remove bold)also the scholarly sources must come from TCC library databes

-(block indent paragraph)This article discusses the complex issue of food insecurity (FI), which is defined by the lack of affordable, nutritious food and its various impacts on health and well-being. Through the use of empirical evidence, the authors point out the negative effects of FI on dietary intake, physical and mental health, academic performance, and even fetal development. With 16. 6% of US households with children are affected by FI, and the article emphasizes the pressing need to solve this social and economic problem. Besides(besides has to be removed) it also talks about the latest actions taken by big healthcare institutions, such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the American Academy of Pediatrics, to deal with FI by providing funds, screening, and treatment recommendations. Through the stress on the clinical importance of FI(Insert a quote from the article to support and bolster this statement :), the article promotes the holistic methods that combine clinical care with community interventions. This call to action is a sign that FI is becoming a public health problem, and it shows the importance of working together to help the people who are vulnerable to it.

Bazerghi, C., McKay(Check citations. These look like APA style, not MLA), F. H., & Dunn, M. (2016). The role of food banks in addressing food insecurity: a systematic review. Journal of community health41, 732-740.

This systematic review explores the function of food banks in reducing food insecurity, a serious public health problem that concerns the most vulnerable groups. The authors stress the importance of food banks as the major actors in the food aid sector, giving immediate help to food insecure families through the distribution of donated and bought groceries. The review covers all the aspects of food bank operations, such as food security status, nutritional quality of distributed food, and clients' needs, by analyzing 35 publications. The review does not deny the fact that food banks are of great importance in the fight against severe food deprivation. However, it points out the limitations of the food banks in improving the overall food security outcomes. Precisely, the inadequate supply of nutrient-dense foods, especially dairy, vegetables and fruits, is the main reason for their ineffectiveness. Nevertheless, the review(The bulk of your annotations should evaluate the source. Why do you find this source trustworthy? Use the CRAAP method to help you with your evaluations.) also proves the food banks' potential to improve food security outcomes under some conditions, such as having enough operational resources, the availability of perishable food items, and tailored interventions that address client needs. This synthesis of evidence gives a clear view to policymakers, practitioners, and advocates who are looking for the best ways to use food banks to solve the problem of food insecurity.

Dailey, A. B., Hess, A., Horton, C., Constantian, E., Monani, S., Wargo, B., ... & Gaskin, K. (2015). Healthy options: a community-based program to address food insecurity. Journal of prevention & intervention in the community43(2), 83-94.( Location information missing)

This research examines the impact of a community-based program that is focused on the reduction of food insecurity and the promotion of access to local, healthy foods. With the use of a mixed-methods approach(Explain the mixed-methods approach), which was based on the community-based participatory research framework, the program gave the participants monthly vouchers for use in the local farmers' markets and also the facilitation of community activities. The results of the survey show that the participants are very satisfied, and many of them have increased their intake of fruits and vegetables. Nevertheless, a considerable number of them felt more stressed about their capability to purchase healthy foods by the end of the program. Photovoice outcomes indicate that the program was the cause of the cross-cultural exchanges and the social networking opportunities. Although the obstacles were pointed out, the program brought many good results. Thus, the community partners started to look for policy-level interventions to solve food insecurity further. This research shows the many dimensions of food insecurity. It emphasizes the role of community-driven initiatives in creating food access and social connections while at the same time pointing out the necessity of more widespread systemic solutions.

Hawkins, M., & Panzera, A. (2021). Food insecurity: a key determinant of health. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing35(1), 113-117.

This article points out the huge effect of food insecurity on health outcomes and highlights the link between poor dietary intake, the increased risk of chronic diseases, and mental health conditions. The authors, using a variety of sources such as government reports and scholarly literature, explain the relationship between food insecurity and the negative health effects throughout the lifespan. They point out the unequal distribution of food insecurity to marginalized populations, especially women and low-income communities, thus indicating its function as a social determinant of health. The article also goes through the complicated relationship between food access, socio-economic factors, and health disparities, showing how food system inequalities are the cause of both hunger and chronic disease risks. Besides(has to be removed), it talks about the idea of food deserts and food swamps and the way the environment(More evaluation details needed. Research the author, publication and source methodology) affects people's food-buying choices and health outcomes. Through the analysis of these problems, the article highlights the necessity for the development of comprehensive strategies to tackle food insecurity and its negative health implications, mainly in underserved communities.

Zivkovic, S. (2017). Addressing food insecurity: A systemic innovation approach. Social Enterprise Journal13(3), 234-250.

In this article, Zivkovic questions the traditional way of dealing with food insecurity through food assistance programs and segmented solutions. On the contrary, the author supports the approach of systemic innovation and complexity and sees food insecurity as a "wicked problem" that needs holistic solutions. The article is based on a literature review and the matching of food insecurity characteristics with those of wicked problems, which proves the necessity of a comprehensive approach. It stresses the significance of systemic innovation and complexity theory in the solution of such complicated issues. The author gives an online tool as a case study of how to use this technique correctly. The research indicates that the solutions should be designed to improve the coherence and adaptive capacity of the food insecurity solution ecosystems instead of depending only on the programs or pillars. This article presents important information about food insecurity and provides a new way of solving it. Through the comparison of food insecurity characteristics with wicked problems and the promotion of systemic innovation, the article adds to the discussion of food insecurity in a more holistic and effective way.