math assignment

MATH201 - Assignment 2 1


Be sure to use the provided Word template and make sure there are no major grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors in your writing. In your analysis, meet all word count requirements established in the template document.

What are the chances?

Have you ever played a game that required you to take a chance by picking a random number or a board game or spinning the wheel at a carnival? Well, if you have you actually played a game of probability and there are several different types.

This assignment will focus on calculating the chances of an event occurring and comparing probability types. It is based on one standard six-sided die, so grab a die from a board game you have at home or use this website, which allows you to roll virtual dice.

Virtual Six-Sided Die

  1. Download the following Word file from your course named: “What are the Chances Assignment – Template.docx”

  2. Save it to your computer and name it: MATH201 – What are the Chances Assignment – Your Name.

  3. Complete the work in the Word file and save it to your computer.

  4. Upload the Word file to the proper dropbox.