Student 2 first part: Now that you have completed the prewriting and outline or map of your paper, it is time to write the first draft. Check the processes we used for your career paper and your resea

Traore 3

Assata Traore

Instructor Dr Sandin

English 101

May 24, 2024

Prewriting for Food Regulation

Points in Support of Government Regulation

Public Health Concerns

-Obesity epidemic

-Increased risk of chronic diseases

-Role of processed foods in poor dietary habits

Lack of Transparency

  • The hidden ingredients

-Misleading labeling practices

-Difficulty for consumers to make informed choices


-Ensuring consistency in food quality and safety

-Preventing harmful additives

Protection of Vulnerable Populations



-Individuals with dietary restrictions

Economic Impact

-Healthcare costs associated with poor diet-related diseases

-Potential for long-term savings through preventive measures

Points Against Government Regulation:

Free Market Principles

-Interference with consumer choice

-Potential stifling of innovation in food industry

Regulatory Burden

-Compliance costs for food manufacturers

-Administrative complexities

Individual Responsibility

-Education and personal choices over government intervention

-Over-reliance on regulation may undermine personal accountability


The goal of this paper is to consider why the government instead of markets should regulate the ingredients and labeling of processed foods, and with what measure of success: for the public health good, for consumer rights, and for defending consumer choice against state interference.