Human Resource PTFL Assignment attached

HURS205 - Portfolio Project Directions and Rubrics 3

HURS205 – Organizational Behavior and Leadership Portfolio Project Directions and Rubrics

This Portfolio Project is worth 20% of your overall grade.
Completing this assessment will help you to meet the following:

Course Outcome

  • Identify the correlation between individual employee behavior, group dynamics, and organizational culture.

Program Outcome

  • HSA – Analyze and apply contemporary knowledge and skill sets to perform diverse administrative responsibilities in health and human services environments.

  • HURS – Evaluate the impact individual and group behavior has on an organization.

Institutional Outcomes

  • Information Literacy and Communication - Utilize current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written, and/or oral formats.

  • Relational Learning - Transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.

  • Thinking Abilities - Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.


As a part of the human resources staff for ABC organization, you have been charged with creating a proposal for making changes to the current work environment that will allow for a more modern workplace which includes the work-life balance desired by millennials and generation z, as these generations become a higher percentage of the future workforce. In order to attract the most qualified candidates and keep current quality employees, the executive team has realized the current approach is antiquated and must change. Although the executive team understands that changing the culture of the organization will take time and evolve gradually, your plan will be the first step in creating a culture that is focused on employee satisfaction while maintaining an efficient and effective organization. You will present your final plan to the executive team.

The following is an overview of the current situation:

  • 80% of current management have been with the company for over 20 years, and the average length of employment for other employees is ten years. More than half of these employees and managers are nearing retirement in the next five years.

  • All 150 employees are required to work a minimum of 45 hours per week, while most work 50 hours or more due to pressure from within the organization.

  • All employees are classified as salary exempt, which means that no one is paid overtime. You may wish to evaluate the legality of this pay structure in your plan.

  • The company pays well above the industry average, which could be the reason many employees are willing to accept the current culture.

  • Breaks are discouraged, and although 40 hours of PTO time is given per year, it is rarely used because of the attitude of management toward anyone missing work. Most workers eat at their desks because taking a lunch break is considered lazy by most managers.

  • There is currently no option for working remotely, even though most jobs could be completed from any location where there is a computer and internet service. During the COVID shutdown, all employees worked from home, but as soon as the government allowed, all employees were brought back into the office immediately.

  • The company regularly schedules team meetings for Friday afternoons at 4:30 pm. This decision was made years ago to make sure that all employees work a full day on Fridays and limit the excessive number of PTO hours taken on Fridays.

  • Most new hires over the past two years have left the company within six months of their hire date. Through your exit interviews, you have learned that some of the reasons for leaving were as follows: the lack of work-life balance, no ability to work remotely, the pressure not to use available PTO time, the strong focus on hours worked without a connection to meeting goals or achieving outcomes, and the lack of trust from managers.


You will use the information given to prepare a detailed plan backed up by research that will address the changing expectations of the labor force and make changes to the current work rules, expectations, environment, and culture. Remember to be creative. Use what you have learned along with your research to create a unique plan.

Requirements and Formatting

Your Portfolio Project must be formatted as follows:

  • APA formatting

  • Title Page

  • Times New Roman or Arial 12-point font

  • 1-inch margins

  • Page numbers in the top right corner

  • Include at least four resources (no more than three years old)

  • Include an introduction and conclusion.