I would like help completing my essay for English 103. The essay needs to describe how perception management is used to cover up reality. The topic I chose was police brutality and I have already star

Gallmon 1 Ketura Gallmon Professor Piazza English 103 20 June 2024 Are Police Really Our Heros? The relationship between the public and police has been brought to the forefront due to several high profiling killings. Police are there to create peace and harmony in communities and make people feel protected. In recent years, society has begun to question if they can really trust the integrity of police of ficers. The public believes that law enforcement is or ganized and just, however this is not true. The reality is that there is a lack of accountability for the actions of law enforcement, they have inadequate training, and lack community engagement. Firstly , many people perceive that all police of ficers act rightfully when shooting or detaining a citizen. In this day in age everyone gets their information from social media and news outlets. All the times that we have seen the law enforcement do an unlawful act it's always masked by misrepresentation facts and propaganda techniques. Kiley and Parker conducted a survey among dif ferent races and asked the question; How confident are you in the police doing the right thing? T o no surprise minorities answered less than 20% and white people answered 32% (1:26). Caucasians are more likely to see no wrong within our government and law enforcement because they have had only beneficial experiences with these entities. However the reality is that the views and beliefs on law enforcement are lar gely associated with interactions with the police personally . African Americans have had increasingly Gallmon 2 more negative interactions with police than any other race. The trauma instilled into black people can be seen in the Black Lives Matter movement. This movement was in response to the killings of T rayvon Martin, Breonna T aylor , Geor ge Floyd, among others. The powerful meaning behind the protest that was led gained massive attention on social media outlets and the news. W ith the police being seen in such a bad light they of course had to save face and maintain their image in the community . They accomplished this by creating the Blue Lives Matter movement. “ Supporters of Blue Lives Matter have called for crimes committed against police of ficers to be classified as hate crimes” (Blue Lives Matter 1). Many would ar gue that being a police of ficer is a choice and being african american is who we are that comes with a misconception of being perceived as bad. White people say to themselves that they see no color , How could I be racist? When in reality they fear African Americans and more specifically black men. They have unconsciously made up their mind that black men are dangerous and violent. As we know , social media, movies, and the news shape the way we see things even if what we are seeing is false. “Black men are often portrayed as scary or angry and black women as loudmouthed and sassy” ( Kira Schacht 16). Movies are portraying African american as uncivilized people which converts to other races being frightened or uneasy without them even really knowing why . Police doing unwarranted traf fic stops just because of the color of their skin, pulling their gun and firing because they felt threatened even when that person was unarmed. In reality black people are the ones who feel scared, unsafe, and mistreated. Gallmon 3 Gallmon 4 W orks Cited Do Americans T rust The Police?. Pew Research, January 5,2022 (1:26) https://www .youtube.com/watch?v=Jj9vD7cKUhE&list=PLZ9z-Af5ISaswq9yoHM32olz 4-AITb1Dl&t=85s Blue Lives Matter . W ikipedia https://en.wikipedia.or g/wiki/Blue_Lives_Matter real bad arabs (source to show how movies portray police in a positive light) Kira Schacht “What Hollywood Movies Do T o Perpetuate Racial Stereotypes” 02/21/2019, 16 https://www .dw.com/en/hollywood-movies-stereotypes-prejudice-data-analysis/a-47561660