I need a outline, rough draft, and final draft for a argumentative paper. The topic and more detailed instructions are in the file attached.

I n str u ctio ns f o r a rg um en ta tio n p ap er Below is a lecture from my professor: keep this in mind The 3 Artistic Proofs that Comprise an Argument: Pathos: Arguments based upon emotional appeals Winston Churchill: "W e Shall Fight" speech Examples of emotions? --Ethos: Arguments based upon speaker credibility How does a speaker establish credibility? What do you know about the subject? What experience do you have? Why should an audience pay attention to you? --Logos: The logical appeal of an argument W ays to determine facts: 1. Statistics 2. Surveys/Polls 3. Facts 4. T estimonies & Narratives Be aware of writer assumptions in regards to their audience: The reader should be generally informed but not knowledgeably advanced on the particular issue 1. Assume the readers may not be especially interested in the issue; it’ s the writer ’s job to establish interest 2. Anticipate readers will be unfamiliar with the issue, so it’ s the writer ’s job to inform. 3. Anticipate readers might know something about the arguments made on the issue, so the essay will open up new possibilities for ways to view an issue 4. Expect some readers will have strong views about the issue Finally , one important component of this class beyond practicing the steps in the writing process and identifying patterns of develop includes speaking back or 'going again the grain' in analysis. T one becomes the author's attitude and how he/she conveys his message as serious, humorous, aloof, sincere, etc., but it also reveals the author's agenda. The narrator writes so readers will read. W riters have an agenda, a purpose, a message. How well the article meets those goals often relies on the credibility of the narrator . If the narrator seems unreliable because of bias, omissions, or logical fallacies, the value of the article diminishes. Sometimes the bias and omissions actually help clarify the author's purpose. Addressing these issues gives voice to the reader who may already have doubts, questions, or objections about an article's message. Sometimes the response is a gut feeling, sometimes a big no way , etc. With practice, comprehension levels improve so readers acquire their own voice in speaking back to an article. Intended audience needs scrutiny because some articles are churned out for a mass audience to entertain or to persuade, etc. That's why it's important to peruse the biographical information preceding the articles so readers know the target audience and how that might influence the article's message. Some articles seem good for any audience so audience isn't the only barometer , but it does often guide in analysis. A magazine is almost always for a broad audience, but specific journals or newsletters, etc. often go to a select audience. A bout t h e p ap er Students will write their own argumentative/Op-Ed paper for this module. Students can argue about any topic they wish. However , their argument must be controversial, contemporary , and rigorous enough for a college writing classroom. Students will also be expected to consider counter arguments for their argument, too. For this paper the argument is the student’ s primary focus. C om p I I A rg um enta tio n P aper Paper Length: about 4 double spaced pages + W orks Cited 
 (NOTE: Y our W orks Cited page must include at least three academically rigorous sources relevant to your selected topic. If you neglect to include a W orks Cited page or if you select unqualified sources, (someone's blog, Wikipedia, About.com, Ask.com or other general sources) then you will automatically lose 25 points of f of your final paper grade. As a general rule if you cannot find an author for your source then find a better source. For this paper you are going to craft you own opinion and editorial assignment. Y ou must select a topic that is current, controversial and relevant. Since this is an opinion/editorial piece you’re encouraged to not only state your opinion but you’re also allowed to use first person pronouns such as I, me and my .

In some respects this will be the most challenging paper you write all year . In order to be eligible for full credit you MUST develop and present an argument in order to providing background information on your topic. If you only write an expository paper but neglect to include a well-developed and well-crafted argument then you will score poorly for this paper . Make sure your introductory paragraph is catchy . Use the last paragraph to bring your argument to a close. Identify 3 or 4 points that support and defend your argument and formulate paragraphs around each point. A void logical fallacies, or incorrect judgments based upon faulty data and arguments. Y ou are expected to incorporate commentary and specific details. I expect your paper to be well-organized and free of any grammatical errors. 

 Y our paper must include a counterargument that acknowledges the opposing viewpoint on your subject.

Y ou must select a topic that is controversial, current, specific and relevant. Regardless of what topic you choose, please make sure to craft a logical argument that relies on specific evidence. Finally , you are responsible for the quality of the sources you use. Be careful not to entirely compose an emotional argument. A rg u m en ta tio n E ssa y O utlin e E xam ple : I. Ar gumentation Introduction A. Introduce your selected topic B. Discuss why your topic is important and controversial C. Identify the topic’ s place in society 1. Global Issue 2. National Issue 3. Local Issue D. Why you chose this topic/ why it is important to you. E. Include any relevant quotes to begin paper F . Thesis Statement: Y our thesis statement is the focus of this paragraph and it states your position regarding your proposed topic. It should be developed and debatable. I. Body paragraph that provides background/contextual/historical information. A. Anecdote connected to the issue. 1. Establish your ethos 2. What qualifies you to write about this subject? a. Are you an expert in this subject? b. Do you have a personal connection to your subject? c. Share an anecdote that connects you to this subject. d. Y our interest in your subject can also qualify as your ethos. A. Expository writing to situate issue’ s importance 1. Limit this section! a. Expository papers are not the same as ar gumentative papers 2. Discuss origins (briefly!) A. When it first became an issue B. How your issue/ar gument has evolved 1. Recent issue or a history of controversy? (NOTE: Do not let this section get out of control. Y ou should not spend more than 3 body paragraphs on the background part. Remember that the ar gument must be the foundation of your paper). I. Ar gument Body Paragraph A. Introduce first part/premise of your ar gument. 1. Premise: A Statement; the foundation of your ar gument A. Incorporate evidence/data/statistics to support your stance 1. Logos 2. Make sure to correctly interpret the hard evidence B. Analyze the evidence or data 1. W rite about the evidence. 2. Show the reader how the evidence suggests your position is correct D. Include expert quotations 1. Identify person’ s name 2. Identify person’ s title 3. Identify texts or quotes associated with selected person E. Explain why your claims are logical and true F . Confirm the validity of your information 1. Identify the quality of your sources a. Is the data timely? b. Is the data relevant? c. Is the data outdated? G. Y ou are responsible for the quality of your research & sources 1. A void general website with general, cosmetic information a. W ikipedia b. About.com c. T yping your subject into Google Search I. Ar gument Body Paragraph 2 A. Introduce the next part of your ar gument B. Continue to incorporate evidence/data/statistics to support your stance 1. Logos 2. Make sure to correctly interpret the hard evidence C. Analyze the evidence or data. 1. W rite about the evidence 2. Show the reader how the evidence suggests 3. your position is correct A. Include expert quotations 1.Identify person’ s name 2.Identify person’ s title 3. Identify texts or quotes associated with selected person A. Explain why your claims are logical and true 1. Balance your use of the 3 proofs a. Ar guments that rely too much on data are boring and will limit your audience 1. A void writing a technical manual. b. Ar guments that rely too much on emotional appeals lack substance. c. Ar guments that rely too much on ethos are distracting. (NOTE: Create a body paragraph for each premise of your ar gument). I. V alues A. Cultural values B. Ethical values C. Examine what the people involved in the controversy value. D. Be mindful what you as the author value. 1. Consider what is the common ground 2. What can you and your opponent agree on? 3. What are you both trying to accomplish? E Priorities and Agendas. 1. Be mindful of incentives a. Y our incentives b. Y our audience’ s incentives c. Y our opponent’ s incentives F . How will you connect with an audience? 1. What strategies will you employ? 2. Literary Concepts to consider a. role of artistic proofs b. imagery c. similes/metaphors 3. Each author uses a dif ferent style; use what works for you! I. Counterar gument A. Define what the opposing ar gument is to your issue B. Provide brief discussion of counterar gument’s position C. Make any brief concessions to counterar gument 1. Identify similarities, 2. Do not get too carried away on this section 3. Consider the common ground you share with the opposition. a. What do both sides agree on? b. What goals do both sides desire? c. What do both sides value equally? D. Conclude this body paragraph by refuting the counterar gument 1. How does your stance prevail over the counterar gument? (This is crucial!) I. Conclusion A. Leave a lasting impression for your stance 1. Make sure your stance is crystal clear 2. Make sure your suggested action(s) is crystal clear B. Do not simply summarize what you previously wrote C. Consider unique quotes to end your paper .

P ossib le t o pic s t o p ic k f r o m ● Is fasting healthy ● Should physical education classes be graded ● Do electric vehicles decrease overall emissions ● Is animal testing moral ● All people should have the right to own guns ● The minimum wage should be $15 per hour ● Cosmetic procedures should be covered by health insurance ● Are Zoos Ethical ● Do schools need to have armed security guards? ● Do violent video games contribute to youth violence Any topic is okay with me as long as it is current, controversial and relevant. And has a good counter argument that acknowledges the opposing viewpoint Make it a basic skill level essay with easy , simple verbiage. Not to fancy . I n eed a n o utlin e, r o ugh d ra ft, a n d a f in al d ra ft. A lo ng w it h a s h ort c o unte ra rg um en t