Portfolio Project Outline

Name: Week 3: Plan Outline Template
  1. Introduction

    1. Write a brief overview explaining the importance of assessing and changing the workplace culture.

    2. Briefly share the objectives of your plan.

  1. Assessment of Current Workplace Culture

    1. Based on the scenario in the Portfolio Project Instructions, describe the current workplace culture.

    2. List your recommendations of the areas to change.

  1. Evaluation of Work Arrangements and Habits

    1. Analyze the current work arrangements and habits.

    2. Share the importance of making the necessary changes to improve productivity and work culture.

  1. Changing Organizational Culture

    1. List the items you will address (problem areas from the scenario).

    2. In a sentence or two, for each change you recommend, explain why these changes need to be made and how they will positively impact organizational culture.

  1. Alignment with Executive Team Criteria

    1. Explain how your plan meets the criteria set by the executive team (from the scenario).

  1. Management Training and Communication

    1. Describe your plan to address current managers and retrain them.

    2. Explain the strategies for communicating new policies to managers and employees.

  1. Implementation of Plan

    1. Timeline for implementing the plan.

  1. Ensuring Work Quality and Quantity

    1. Share your plan to monitor and maintain work quality and quantity while implementing these changes, and what to do for potential negative impacts of changes.

  1. Utilizing Groups and Teams

    1. Explain how working in groups and teams will be used to achieve goals. Include the benefits of collaborative work environments.

  1. Conclusion

    1. Recap of the main points and objectives of your plan.

  1. Supporting Recommendations with Resources

    1. Include at least four references to support your plan.