Applying Action Research Describe how your proposed action research may help in growing your organization. Identify other researchers who might support your claim. Submission Instructions: Your in

I think the biggest problem in our admissions office is communication and making sure everyone is on the same page. That would be my research topic. She wanted me to get 5 research papers from our university library data base. So I attached those.

I know initially when I started, I would tell something to one person and I would just assume they’d mention it to everyone else. But that’s not how it happens, if I tell you one thing you don’t immediately run door to door and tell everyone else lol. And that’s just like natural in an office people be in meetings. People are going to be eating lunch. People are going to just be being with families that are taking campus tours etc.

So both communication and making sure that information is dispersed so that we have a united front. I think an example of how we combat that problem is the distribution lists where I can just tell 20 people at one time.

You could also talk about different communication styles that people may have and the various effectiveness of that style in the STU Admissions office. For example, we had a couselor that would never answer an email. His communication style was definitely not email. He was more of a sticky notes type of guy. He would work off what was on his legal pad.

And this may be just too brutally honest to put in an STU paper, but another topic you could do is workplace collaboration, particularly with other offices. Basically about how we are trying to help our students the best we can and then they get thrown into the STU meat grinder (don’t call it that obviously lol). Like we put our blood sweat and tears into setting our students up for success and then “I’ve called financial aid 17 times” or “the business office for my bill wrong”. Collaboration is also vague enough I’m sure you could find lots of studies. But outlining how we are trying to work effectively with those offices and advocate for our students while also maintaining a professional balance and understanding the needs and demands other areas.

Not sure if this helps you at all but I always like to put my thoughts on paper and let you sort them out.