Please add health insurance for VA and what type of insurance! 1. In this assignment, as a group, you will select the change management model and justification you want to use for your project based

Preliminary Report on Change Management for Chittenden Group Insurance

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Chittenden Gathering Protection will, before long, go through a significant underlying change to build the organization's viability concerning hierarchical elements and its essential targets. In successfully directing the progress mentioned above, Kotter's 8-Step Cycle has been chosen as the particular change the executives model for this association. The report outlines the operational enhancements the organization must make to ensure that the change process runs smoothly, as well as the structural changes and financial requirements required to support it. It offers strategies for reducing concerns, creating a supportive environment, and addressing potential resistance to change. Chittenden Group Insurance can achieve its goals and adjust according to the current market environment thanks to this strategy.

Change Management Model and Justification

Selected Model: Kotter’s 8-Step Process

Kotter's 8-Step Process was chosen for its inclusion in the framework for change management. The model is reasonable for hierarchical changes since it takes care of an undeniable level of arrangement and staffing, which is essential for Chittenden Gathering Protection.

1. Make yourself feel urgent: Chittenden Group Insurance proposes that the issues of inefficiency and a lack of adaptability to the current competitive environment will assist in creating a sense of urgency. This action entails portraying the threatened employees to the current issues and the benefits of the new structure.

2. Establish a powerful alliance: It is essential to fabricate an initiative guiding the board to support the change. This alliance will direct the interaction and ensure that everybody is in total agreement vision-wise.

3. Create a Change Vision: To get everything rolling on progress, it very well may be valuable to characterize an unmistakable vision concerning where the association is going and why through the reception of another construction and comparing functional upgrades.

4. Transmit the Vision: Effective communication is essential between the various parts of the organization. In order to ensure that employees adopt the change, communications will include regularly inspecting it and informing them of it (Laig & Abocejo, 2021).

5. Enable Activity: The change will be made more accessible by debugging and allowing employees to take the necessary actions. This includes things like providing appropriate instruments and projects.

6. Produce Short-Term Gains: Perceiving early wins will go quite far in supporting the change cycle since everybody will be anxious to see all the more such accomplishments.

7. Increase Change and Consolidate Gains: Continuation and development of the primer activities prompting change will fundamentally add to the reason for unendingness.

8. Anchor the Progressions in Corporate Culture: The new changes will continue over time if incorporated into the organizational culture.

Justification for Kotter’s Model

Structured Methodology: Kotter's model provides a step-by-step guide to managing change's strategic and human aspects. Engagement among workers: The model's emphasis on empowerment and communication assists in overcoming potential resistance and creates a supportive environment. Permanent Change: By zeroing in on securing changes in the corporate culture, Kotter's model guarantees that changes are enduring.

Description of Required Changes

Changes to the Organizational Structure The new organizational structure will go into effect on January 1 and will include realigning roles and responsibilities to increase efficiency and reporting lines. Moving from the old structure to the new one and effectively communicating these changes are necessary.

Financial Adjustments

Financial plan Distribution: The change's implementation costs $25,000. Costs are projected at $8,950, leaving a total of $16,050. This budget must be carefully managed and accounted for for unforeseen expenses like additional technology investments.

Operational Improvements

Costs of Market Research: Spend money on initial market research, including compliance and localization. Costs of doing business: Personal and fixed assets, selling costs, sales, and other costs related to customers should be included in these expenses. Innovation and development: spend money on technology and software to enhance new development features. Costs of Partnership: Create a strategy for a successful partnership that aligns with the organization's goals.

Addressing Resistance to Change

Identifying Resistance

Due to the organization's propensity to resist change and a change in role or new procedures, organizational change may encounter resistance from Chittenden Group Insurance employees. Some employees might find ways to resist a shift in duties because they are afraid or intimidated by it. Introducing new modifications to the system or structure will be hindered by specific patterns and traditions' potential to attract stalemate. This framework allows for the early identification of the sources of resistance above, allowing for prompt resolution of issues and improved transition (Sistare, 2022). Developing specific interventions to help employees accept and successfully implement change is possible by recognizing the presence and nature of resistance.

Strategies to Manage Resistance

Proper communication: Inform the employees periodically of the changes and their benefits. To reach the audience, promote the content across all channels. Engagement and Participation: Draw in the representatives in the change cycle by asking them what they think or need to say. This helps people feel like they own something, making them less resistant. Support and instruction: To help employees adjust to the new systems and procedures, provide thorough training (Errida & Lotfi, 2021). They ought to give young people dynamic help to assist them with defeating their hardships. Feedback Systems: Provide means for workers to be heard and to voice their concerns. Immediately address concerns to demonstrate to employees that their opinions are valued.

Implementation Plan

The strategy for carrying out Chittenden Group Insurance can also be broken down according to the specific responsibilities and time frame it requires. The most significant aspects here are the necessity to outline the new structural plan, the allocation of funds, and operational adjustments. In the given work, the change is partitioned into a few stages: They all specify due dates and the expected outcome of the work. Accountabilities are designated legitimately to authorities and explicit divisions that are supposed to play out the undertakings. Progress checks and changes will be finished on a standard premise to tackle any issues that might happen. This methodical approach makes change possible by ensuring that the procedure is carried out correctly, is compatible with the company's strategic plan, and does not significantly disrupt business as usual.


The strategy for carrying out Chittenden Group Insurance can also be broken down according to the specific responsibilities and time frame it requires. The most significant aspects here are the necessity to outline the new structural plan, the allocation of funds, and operational adjustments. In the given work, the change is partitioned into a few stages: They all specify due dates and the expected outcome of the work. Accountabilities are designated legitimately to authorities and explicit divisions that are supposed to play out the undertakings. Progress checks and changes will be finished on a standard premise to tackle any issues that might happen. This methodical approach makes change possible by ensuring that the procedure is carried out correctly, is compatible with the company's strategic plan, and does not significantly disrupt business as usual.


Errida, A., & Lotfi, B. (2021). The determinants of organizational change management success: Literature review and case study. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, p. 13, 18479790211016273.

Laig, R. B. D., & Abocejo, F. T. (2021). Change management process in a mining company: Kotter’s 8-step change model. Journal of Management, Economics, and Industrial Organization, 5(3), 31-50.

Sistare, S. C. (2022). Overcoming resistance through organizational change models and leadership strategies. Charleston Southern University.