Pretty big english assignment. It is about a 5-6 part project. Including a discussion board, Organizational Reflection Proposal, Outline, Annotated Bibliographies , and a final paper. The deadlines fo

Need this answered by tonight For this discussion you will share the organization you will present. What do you plan to examine for this assignment? Why did you choose this particular group? What challenges do you foresee for your upcoming project? Than this part is due next by Aug 1st Organizational Reflection Proposal For this part of your Organizational Reflection project you will write around 300 words in an essay format that answers the following questions: 1. Your selected organization 2. How you will structure your presentation 3. How you will present this project 4. What research materials you will use for this project 5. The group members and each member’s responsibilities, (if this is a group project) 6. Why you selected this organization to examine 7. What you hope to learn from this assignment 8. Any challenges you might anticipate associated with your project 9. What sources you hope to include in your Organizational Reflection I only require one proposal per group/per project. I expect thoughtful and error -free proposals from you Than I need an outline due by Aug 4 th This is due Aug. 5 Annotated Bibliographies Review the content I post in this module regarding annotated bibliographies. The purpose of this assignment is to explain why you are using the sources you selected for this project. Each source annotation should amount to around 200 words per annotation. Each cited and annotated source is worth 10 points. Minimum of 5 sources =50 total points for this assignment. And answer these about own project: Presentation: Use of Images: Text Clarity/Readability: Topic Choice: Errors: Appropriate Length: Development of Ideas: Gaps in the Content/Subject: Formatting/Appropriate Balance of Images & Words: Overall Feedback: Lesson Overview Students will examine their experiences in an organizational setting. Examples include a job, club, team, church, or any group/membership where the student currently participates. In this project students reflect on their experiences and observations. S tudents should also consider the dynamics within their selected organization. This assignment will combine the research and analysis students practiced in previous papers, and reflection on the relationships that pervade their daily lives. Lesson Outcomes By the end of this module you should be able to: • Maintain and continue to improve learning outcomes from Composition I. o Produce writing for specific purposes and audiences as required by various writing Situations o Integrate their own ideas with those of others. o Practice ethical means of creating their work. o Employ conventions of format, structure, voice, tone, and level of formality appropriate to the writing situation. o Demonstrate flexible strategies for prewriting, developing, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading. o Critique own and others’ work. o Control syntax, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. o Develop and employ an ethical research writing process, which calls for a series of tasks including finding, evaluating, analyzing, synthesizing and citing appropriate primary and secondary sources. • Demonstrate that different rhetorical situations require different structural, stylistic, and mechanical conventions. For your final project assignment y ou will analyze and reflect upon your role within an organization. You choose the organization. Some examples of organizations you can write about include an athletic team, classroom, work department, church, fraternity, sorority, community service, internship, clubs, activist groups, volunteer, etc. You are not limited to these options. Rather, this is a limited sample size to consider. You have options for how to present your ideas: Option 1: Construct a Power Point presentation that presents your ideas about your organization, (minimum of 7 slides that includes both text and images) Option 2: You can partner up with another classmate. Option 3: Select another unique way to create this project, (you must contact me first). Whichever option you choose you must include a Works Cited page with at least 5 sources . As you develop ideas for this project consider the following questions: • Why did you select this particular organization? • What is your role within the organization? What do you contribute to this organization? • How do you define this organization’s culture? (Consider how you define culture within this context). • What skills and talents must one possess to participate within this organization? What skills must one possess to be successful within your organization? • What is your organization’s hierarchy? In other words, how is your organization structured? • What value do you bring to your selected organization? How does your participation within this organization enhance value in your life? • Why do you participate in this organization? • Write about your organization as if you were describing it to someone unfamiliar with it. • Describe the dynamics within your organization? You could also discuss the politics within this organization. • Discuss your organization’s mission statement, objectives, and values. • What does your organization value? • Discuss the leadership roles within your organization. • Does your organization value autonomy? Why or why not? • What have you learned as a result of your participation within this organization? • What advice would an experienced version of yourself within your organization give to the neophyte version of you beginning in your organization? • What do you enjoy about your organization? • What are some areas for improvement within your organization? • How does your organization handle discipline? • How does your organization educate its participants? • How does your organization incentivize participants to give their best effort? • What do you hope to gain as a result of your participation within your organization? • What advice would you give to someone just beginning within this organization? You do not have to answer all of these questions. Instead, select a handful of these questions, answer them, and develop your ideas to the best of your ability. You are welcome to answer other questions associated with reflecting on your organization. Regarding your sources, you must use a combination of primary, textual sources, and secondary sources.

The majority of your sources must be primary sources. Annotated Bibliographies Review the content I post in this module regarding annotated bibliographies. The purpose of this assignment is to explain why you are using the sources you selected for this project. Each source annotation should amount to around 200 words per annotation. Each cited and annotated source is worth 10 points. Minimum of 5 sources =50 total points for this assignment. The final paper should be about 4 double spaced typed pages plus a Works Cited page