Help with Synthesis Outline and essay. Type the outline & essay in Microsoft Word, 12-point font, Times New Roman, and single-spaced. Instructions are attached.

Chart of Common Ideas

SYNTHESIS: Chart of Common Ideas





Yuval Harari "Will Technology Help Us Become Immortal" YouTube

Artificial intelligence will make workers a useless class who are no longer employed or employable.

Humans could be replaced

Man will start to merge with machine

Billions pushed out of job market

Decision-making shifts from humans to algorithms

Who owns data, personal and biometric?

Economic/military perspective: need intelligence, not consciousness

Entities will be more intelligent that people

Kids today may not have jobs in 2050; we do not know what to teach them so that they will be relevant

-Google's Calico: solve problem of death, investing billions

-driverless cars can eliminate taxi drivers

Lee Cowan "Universal Basic Income: Will It Work" CBS Sunday Morning







Carolyn Mathas "2030--Ray Kurzweil's Predictions or Bill Joy's Fears" pp. 374-76

 One futurist thinks that we will become godlike, while another see the dangers when AI surpasses human intelligence.

medical cures/treatment 374; human meddling 374; brains on computers 374; attraction--curing diseases and living longer than 80 years 375; intellectual weaponry 375; Kurzweil--jobs going away 375; non-biological 375; Joy--not enough jobs or skills 375; machines smarter 375; intelligence gap 376; sterilization 376; hackers in 2016 376

-we can replicate virus that killed 50 million in 1918

-driverless cars have fewer accidents

Scott Santens "Robots Will Take Your Job; Will They Guarantee Your Income?" pp. 407-410




"Automation and Anxiety" pp. 413-419