solve this questions in the file please

Control systems Final project 10% Each group of students ( max 4 students) must solve the following project and submit a:

1. Well prepared detailed document 2. Presentation on 5/8/2024 Project details: A heat-exchanger process is used to maintain the te mperature of a liquid at a certain predetermined temperature. The reference temperatur e or the desired is called the set point SP. The process as shown below is composed of  the sensor TT22, this sensor measures the actual te mperature and sends the readings to the summing point named TC22, the sensor transfer f unction is .  The TC22 compares between the sensor reading and th e desired point to generate the error signal.  According to the error signal, a controller is used to automatically opens or closes a valve to allow or prevent the flow of steam to change the temperature in the tank. The valve transfer function is given by . .

 The heat exchanger ( process or plant) has the tran sfer function Do the following:

1. Draw a detailed block diagram showing:

a. The function of each block b. The input to each block, (specify it type: ex volta ge, current, …) c. The output of each block (specify it type: ex volta ge, current, …) 2. Find the overall transfer function (verify using ma tlab) 3. Specify the system type: type zero, type one, or ty pe two. a. Then explain the test signal type for this system b. How can you apply this test signal to this system?

c. If there is a controller with value of K, Can we ac hieve a response with steady state error of 0.1 with gain adjustment only, expla in? (verify using matlab) 4. Discuss the stability of this system: (verify using matlab) a. How many poles on the right hand?

b. How many poles at the jw c. How many poles on the left hand?

d. The range of stability i. Where this system is stable ii. Where is the system unstable?

iii. Where is the system marginally stable? If it is, wh at is the frequency of oscillation? 5. Draw the root locus for this system (verify using m atlab).

6. If we used a simple controller with value gain K, a. find K such that the dominant poles have damping co nstant 0.7? verify using matlab b. can you consider this system as a second order syst em, explain? c. Find the overshoot, Ts, Tp, damping frequency, expo nential decay frequency 7. Redesign the controller, use PD controller to keep the same overshoot but decrease the settling time by 20% of the settling time you found in part 6.c.

a. Verify your answer using matlab b. Draw the root locus for the compensated system c. Show your detailed work of designing the controller on the root locus. Best of luck